Official Sony PS1 Libraries

Edit on Github | Updated: 22nd March 2025

Note that the order of the externals defined in this list will not reflect the order in the final linked executable, as the order here is just the order that the PSYLIB.EXE tool exports in.


The LIBAPI.LIB file is required in all PS1 executables as it controls the Playstation Kernel and interactions between the basic Playsation Operating System.

Module Date Externals defined
C57 23-07-99 InitHeap
C58 23-07-99 _exit
C65 23-07-99 LoadTest
C66 23-07-99 Load
C67 23-07-99 Exec
C68 23-07-99 FlushCache
C73 23-07-99 GPU_cw
C81 23-07-99 LoadExec
C82 23-07-99 GetSysSp
C112 23-07-99 _bu_init
C113 23-07-99 _96_init
C114 23-07-99 _96_remove
C157 23-07-99 GetConf
C159 23-07-99 SetMem
C160 23-07-99 _boot
C161 23-07-99 SystemError
C167 23-07-99 bufs_cb_0
C168 23-07-99 bufs_cb_1
C169 23-07-99 bufs_cb_2
C170 23-07-99 bufs_cb_3
C174 23-07-99 bufs_cb_4
A07 23-07-99 DeliverEvent
A08 23-07-99 OpenEvent
A09 23-07-99 CloseEvent
A10 23-07-99 WaitEvent
A11 23-07-99 TestEvent
A12 23-07-99 EnableEvent
A13 23-07-99 DisableEvent
A14 23-07-99 OpenTh
A15 23-07-99 CloseTh
A16 23-07-99 ChangeTh
A18 23-07-99 InitPAD2
A19 23-07-99 StartPAD2
A20 23-07-99 StopPAD2
A21 23-07-99 PAD_init2
A22 23-07-99 PAD_dr
A23 23-07-99 ReturnFromException
A24 23-07-99 ResetEntryInt
A25 23-07-99 HookEntryInt
A32 23-07-99 UnDeliverEvent
A36 23-07-99 EnterCriticalSection
A37 23-07-99 ExitCriticalSection
A38 23-07-99 Exception
A39 23-07-99 SetSp
A40 23-07-99 SwEnterCriticalSection
A41 23-07-99 SwExitCriticalSection
A50 23-07-99 open
A51 23-07-99 lseek
A52 23-07-99 read
A53 23-07-99 write
A54 23-07-99 close
A55 23-07-99 ioctl
A64 23-07-99 cd
A65 23-07-99 format
A66 23-07-99 firstfile2
A67 23-07-99 nextfile
A68 23-07-99 rename
A69 23-07-99 erase
A70 23-07-99 undelete
A71 23-07-99 AddDrv
A72 23-07-99 DelDrv
A81 23-07-99 Krom2RawAdd
A84 23-07-99 _get_errno
A85 23-07-99 _get_error
A91 23-07-99 ChangeClearPAD
A94 23-07-99 GetGp
A95 23-07-99 GetSp
A96 23-07-99 GetCr
A97 23-07-99 GetSr
L02 23-07-99 SysEnqIntRP
L03 23-07-99 SysDeqIntRP
L10 23-07-99 ChangeClearRCnt
COUNTER 23-07-99 SetRCnt GetRCnt StartRCnt StopRCnt ResetRCnt
SC2B 23-07-99 SetConf
PATCH 23-07-99 _patch_pad EnablePAD DisablePAD
FIRST 23-07-99 firstfile
PAD 23-07-99 SetInitPadFlag ReadInitPadFlag PAD_init InitPAD StartPAD *_apiPadPatch
PADSTOP 23-07-99 StopPAD
I_HEAP2 23-07-99 InitHeap2 *_AllocRestBlockTop *_TopAllocArea *_max_heap *_Candidate
MALLOC2 23-07-99 malloc2
FREE2 23-07-99 free2
REALLOC2 23-07-99 realloc2
CALLOC2 23-07-99 calloc2
CHCLRPAD 23-07-99 _remove_ChgclrPAD
I_HEAP3 23-07-99 _freep InitHeap3
MALLOC3 23-07-99 malloc3
FREE3 23-07-99 free3 *_r_bp *_r_p *_r_freep
REALLOC3 23-07-99 realloc3
CALLOC3 23-07-99 calloc3

LIBC - Standard GCC C Library

The standard C library used for functions like printf that are compiled in almost every C-based program.

Module Externals defined
A56 exit
A58 getc
A59 putc
A60 getchar
A61 putchar
A62 gets
A63 puts
C10 todigit
C12 strtoul
C13 strtol
C14 abs
C15 labs
C16 atoi
C17 atol
C18 atob
C19 setjmp
C20 longjmp
C21 strcat
C22 strncat
C23 strcmp
C24 strncmp
C25 strcpy
C26 strncpy
C27 strlen
C28 index
C29 rindex
C30 strchr
C31 strrchr
C32 strpbrk
C33 strspn
C34 strcspn
C36 strstr
C37 toupper
C38 tolower
C39 bcopy
C40 bzero
C42 memcpy
C43 memset
C46 memchr
C47 rand
C48 srand
C51 malloc
C52 free
C53 lsearch
C55 calloc
C56 realloc
C63 printf
CTYPE0 ctype
SPRINTF sprintf
ITOA itoa
MEMMOVE memmove
BCMP bcmp
MEMCMP memcmp
STRTOK strtok
QSORT qsort
BSEARCH bsearch

LIBC2 - Standard C library

A faster (cacheable) implementation of the C standard libraries but required more memory than standard LIBC.

Module Date Externals defined
BCMP 23-07-99 bcmp
BCOPY 23-07-99 bcopy
BZERO 23-07-99 bzero
GETC 23-07-99 getc
GETCHAR 23-07-99 getchar
GETS 23-07-99 gets
MEMCHR 23-07-99 memchr
MEMCMP 23-07-99 memcmp
MEMCPY 23-07-99 memcpy
MEMMOVE 23-07-99 memmove
MEMSET 23-07-99 memset
PUTC 23-07-99 putc
PUTCHAR 23-07-99 _putchar _putchar_flash putchar
QSORT 23-07-99 qsort
RAND 23-07-99 rand srand
STRCAT 23-07-99 strcat
STRCHR 23-07-99 strchr
STRCMP 23-07-99 strcmp
STRCPY 23-07-99 strcpy
STRCSPN 23-07-99 strcspn
STRINGS 23-07-99 index rindex
STRLEN 23-07-99 strlen
STRNCAT 23-07-99 strncat
STRNCMP 23-07-99 strncmp
STRNCPY 23-07-99 strncpy
STRPBRK 23-07-99 strpbrk
STRRCHR 23-07-99 strrchr
STRSPN 23-07-99 strspn
STRSTR 23-07-99 strstr
STRTOK 23-07-99 strtok
STRTOUL 23-07-99 strtoul
TODIGIT 23-07-99 todigit
PRINTF 23-07-99 printf
PRNT 23-07-99 prnt
SPRINTF 23-07-99 sprintf
ITOA 23-07-99 itoa
PUTS 23-07-99 puts
BSEARCH 23-07-99 bsearch
LSEARCH 23-07-99 lsearch
SETJMP 23-07-99 setjmp longjmp
EXIT 23-07-99 exit
MALLOC 23-07-99 malloc free calloc realloc
ABS_0 23-07-99 abs
ABS_1 23-07-99 labs
ATOI_0 23-07-99 atoi
ATOI_1 23-07-99 atol
CTYPE_0 23-07-99 ctype
CTYPE_1 23-07-99 toupper
CTYPE_2 23-07-99 tolower
STRTOL_0 23-07-99 strtol
STRTOL_1 23-07-99 atob


LIBCARD.LIB is the library for communicating with the memory cards.

Module Date Externals defined
C112 23-07-99 _bu_init
C171 23-07-99 _card_info
C172 23-07-99 _card_load
C173 23-07-99 _card_auto
A74 23-07-99 InitCARD2
A75 23-07-99 StartCARD2
A76 23-07-99 StopCARD2
A78 23-07-99 _card_write
A79 23-07-99 _card_read
A80 23-07-99 _new_card
A88 23-07-99 _card_chan
A92 23-07-99 _card_status
A93 23-07-99 _card_wait
CARD 23-07-99 _card_clear
PATCH 23-07-99 _patch_card _patch_card2 _copy_memcard_patch _patch_card_info
INIT 23-07-99 InitCARD StartCARD StopCARD
END 23-07-99 _ExitCard
FORMAT 23-07-99 _card_format

LIBCD (Basic CD-ROM & Streaming)

LIBCD.LIB is required for any games that need to access data from the CD drive. From the official documentation:

The CD/Streaming Library (libcd) consists of two separate libraries:
• The CD-ROM Library, which provides functions for controlling the PlayStation built-in CD-ROM drive. It provides CD sound control and other services.
• The Streaming Library, which is a group of functions for continuous reading of realtime data such as movies, sounds or vertex data stored on high-capacity media.
Module Date Externals defined
CDROM 23-07-99 StSetRing *StRingAddr *StRingSize *StRingBase *StRgb24 *StEmu_Addr *StEmu_Idx *StRingIdx1 *StRingIdx2 *StRingIdx3 *StSTART_FLAG *StStartFrame *StEndFrame *StFinalSector *Stframe_no *Stsector_offset *StCdIntrFlag *StCHANNEL *CChannel
TOC 23-07-99 CdGetToc CdGetToc2
EVENT 23-07-99 CD_cbread CD_read_dma_mode CdInit
SYS 23-07-99 CdPosToInt
ISO9660 23-07-99 CdSearchFile
CDREAD2 23-07-99 CdRead2
CDPLAY 23-07-99 CdPlay
C_002 23-07-99 StClearRing
C_003 23-07-99 StUnSetRing
C_004 23-07-99 data_ready_callback StGetBackloc
C_005 23-07-99 StSetStream *StFunc1 *StFunc2
C_006 23-07-99 StSetEmulate
C_007 23-07-99 StFreeRing
C_008 23-07-99 init_ring_status
C_009 23-07-99 StGetNext
C_010 23-07-99 StSetMask
C_011 23-07-99 debug_cause StCdInterrupt
C_012 23-07-99 StSetChannel
C_013 23-07-99 StGetNextS
C_014 23-07-99 StNextStatus
BIOS_1 23-07-99 CD_cbsync CD_cbready CD_debug CD_status CD_status1 CD_nopen CD_pos CD_mode CD_com DS_active CD_comstr CD_intstr CD_sync CD_flush CD_ready CD_cw CD_vol CD_initvol CD_initintr CD_init CD_datasync CD_set_test_parmnum *StMode
BIOS_2 23-07-99 CD_getsector
BIOS_3 23-07-99 CD_getsector2
C_015 23-07-99 StRingStatus
S_002 23-07-99 CdIntToPos
S_003 23-07-99 CdStatus
S_004 23-07-99 CdMode
S_005 23-07-99 CdLastCom
S_006 23-07-99 CdLastPos
S_007 23-07-99 CdReset
S_008 23-07-99 CdFlush
S_009 23-07-99 CdSetDebug
S_010 23-07-99 CdComstr
S_011 23-07-99 CdIntstr
S_012 23-07-99 CdSync
S_013 23-07-99 CdReady
S_014 23-07-99 CdSyncCallback
S_015 23-07-99 CdReadyCallback
S_016 23-07-99 CdControl CdControlF CdControlB
S_020 23-07-99 CdMix
S_021 23-07-99 CdGetSector
S_022 23-07-99 CdGetSector2
S_023 23-07-99 CdDataCallback
S_024 23-07-99 CdDataSync
CDR_1 23-07-99 CdReadBreak CdRead CdReadSync
CDR_2 23-07-99 CdReadCallback
CDR_3 23-07-99 CdReadMode
TYPE_1 23-07-99 CdDiskReady
TYPE_2 23-07-99 CdGetDiskType
CRE_1 23-07-99 CdReadFile
CRE_2 23-07-99 CdReadExec

LIBCOMB (Link Cable Library)

The Link Cable Library (libcomb.lib) provides functions for connecting PlayStatios’s together via a “link” cable.

Module Date Externals defined
COMB 23-07-99 AddCOMB _comb_control
COMB_2 23-07-99 DelCOMB
COMB_3 23-07-99 ChangeClearSIO

LIBDS (Extended CD-ROM)

The extended CD-ROM library is basically the same as libcd but it implements a command queue to allow for speed differences between cpu and cdrom. You can’t use both libds and libcd at the same time!

Module Date Externals defined
DSSYS_1 23-07-99 DS_init DS_reset_members DS_close DS_cw DS_vsync_callback DS_sync_callback DS_ready_callback DS_start_callback DS_system_status DS_lastcom DS_lastmode DS_lastpos DS_lastseek DS_lastread DS_status DS_shell_open DS_cw_system parcpy rescpy DS_stop DS_restart DS_system_active
DSSYS_2 23-07-99 DS_CQ_flush DsInit DsReset DsCommand DsPacket _DsPacket2 DsSync DsReady DsQueueLen
DSSYS_3 23-07-99 DsMix
DSSYS_4 23-07-99 DsControlF
DSSYS_5 23-07-99 DS_comstr DsComstr
DSTOC 23-07-99 DsGetToc
DSREAD 23-07-99 DsRead DsReadSync DsReadCallback DsReadBreak DsReadMode
DSREAD2 23-07-99 DsRead2
DSREADE 23-07-99 DsReadFile
DSFILE 23-07-99 DsSearchFile
DSPLAY 23-07-99 DsPlay
DSREADY 23-07-99 DsStartReadySystem DsEndReadySystem DsReadySystemMode ER_active ER_clear
DSTYPE 23-07-99 DsGetDiskType *GD_retry *GD_disk_kind
DSCB 23-07-99 *GlobalCallback
D1_001 23-07-99 DS_sync
D1_002 23-07-99 DS_ready
D2_001 23-07-99 DsClose
D2_002 23-07-99 DsStatus
D2_003 23-07-99 DsShellOpen
D2_004 23-07-99 DsLastCom
D2_005 23-07-99 DsFlush
D2_006 23-07-99 DsSystemStatus
D3_002 23-07-99 DsGetSector
D3_003 23-07-99 DsGetSector2
D3_004 23-07-99 DsDataSync
D3_005 23-07-99 DsIntToPos
D3_006 23-07-99 DsPosToInt
D3_007 23-07-99 DsSetDebug
D3_008 23-07-99 DsLastPos
D4_002 23-07-99 DsControl
D4_003 23-07-99 DsControlB
D5_001 23-07-99 DS_intstr DsIntstr
DRE_2 23-07-99 DsReadExec
DSCB_1 23-07-99 DsSyncCallback
DSCB_2 23-07-99 DsReadyCallback
DSCB_3 23-07-99 DsStartCallback
DSCB_4 23-07-99 DsDataCallback

LIBETC (Callbacks management Library)

The ETC library (libetc.lib) is mainly used for callbacks and is needed for a variety of other libraries such as graphics and sound as well as controllers. It main function is to control callbacks.

From the official documentation:

Many functions such as graphics drawing, transferring data to the sound buffer, and loading data from the CD-ROM, may execute in parallel (asynchronously) in the background. These functions are called non- blocking functions, because they don’t block the CPU from performing other tasks.

You can define callback functions that execute when the non-blocking function actually terminates. What actually happens is that when the non-blocking function completes, it generates an interrupt and the program jumps to the address registered as the callback. When the callback returns, the program returns to the point where the callback began, and normal processing resumes.

A dedicated local stack is used for a callback function so that control can return to the original state after the callback returns. All interrupts are prohibited within callback functions. (Areas in which interrupts are prohibited are called critical sections.)
Module Date Externals defined
PAD 23-07-99 PadInit *PadIdentifier PadRead
PADSTOP 23-07-99 PadStop
VSYNC 23-07-99 Hcount VSync
INTR 23-07-99 ResetCallback InterruptCallback DMACallback VSyncCallback VSyncCallbacks StopCallback RestartCallback CheckCallback GetIntrMask SetIntrMask
INTR_VB 23-07-99 Vcount startIntrVSync
INTR_DMA 23-07-99 startIntrDMA
VMODE 23-07-99 SetVideoMode GetVideoMode
HWCONFIG 23-07-99 get_hwconfig

LIBGPU (Basic Graphics Library)

LibGPU is a library for utilizing the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and frame buffer, it works using Primitives similar to OpenGL, triangles, sprites etc.

The frame buffer is a 1mb memory chip that stores all the values of the pixels to display to the TV screen.

Module Date Externals defined
FONT 23-07-99 Font SetDumpFnt FntPrint FntLoad FntOpen FntFlush
FONTTEX 23-07-99  
KPRINTF 23-07-99 kanjiclut *txyuv KanjiFntOpen *KanjiFont KanjiFntClose KanjiFntFlush KanjiFntPrint
OTAG 23-07-99 DrawOTagIO DumpOTag CheckPrim
SYS 23-07-99 GPU_printf GEnv ResetGraph SetGraphDebug SetGraphQueue GetGraphDebug DrawSyncCallback SetDispMask DrawSync ClearImage ClearImage2 LoadImage StoreImage MoveImage ClearOTag ClearOTagR DrawPrim DrawOTag PutDrawEnv DrawOTagEnv GetDrawEnv PutDispEnv GetDispEnv GetODE SetDrawArea SetDrawOffset SetDrawEnv _qin _qout *_que LoadImage2 _GPU_ResetCallback StoreImage2 MoveImage2 DrawOTag2
BREAK 23-07-99 BreakDraw IsIdleGPU ContinueDraw
PARAM 23-07-99 GetDrawEnv2 GetDrawMode GetTexWindow GetDrawArea GetDrawOffset
E00 23-07-99 LoadTPage
E01 23-07-99 LoadClut
E02 23-07-99 LoadClut2
E03 23-07-99 SetDefDrawEnv
E04 23-07-99 SetDefDispEnv
P00 23-07-99 GetTPage
P01 23-07-99 GetClut
P02 23-07-99 DumpTPage
P03 23-07-99 DumpClut
P04 23-07-99 NextPrim
P05 23-07-99 IsEndPrim
P06 23-07-99 AddPrim
P07 23-07-99 AddPrims
P08 23-07-99 CatPrim
P09 23-07-99 TermPrim
P10 23-07-99 SetSemiTrans
P11 23-07-99 SetShadeTex
P12 23-07-99 SetPolyF3
P13 23-07-99 SetPolyFT3
P14 23-07-99 SetPolyG3
P15 23-07-99 SetPolyGT3
P16 23-07-99 SetPolyF4
P17 23-07-99 SetPolyFT4
P18 23-07-99 SetPolyG4
P19 23-07-99 SetPolyGT4
P20 23-07-99 SetSprt8
P21 23-07-99 SetSprt16
P22 23-07-99 SetSprt
P23 23-07-99 SetTile1
P24 23-07-99 SetTile8
P25 23-07-99 SetTile16
P26 23-07-99 SetTile
P27 23-07-99 SetLineF2
P28 23-07-99 SetLineG2
P29 23-07-99 SetLineF3
P30 23-07-99 SetLineG3
P31 23-07-99 SetLineF4
P32 23-07-99 SetLineG4
P33 23-07-99 SetDrawTPage
P34 23-07-99 SetDrawMove
P35 23-07-99 SetDrawLoad
P36 23-07-99 MargePrim
P37 23-07-99 DumpDrawEnv DumpDispEnv
P38 23-07-99 SetTexWindow
P39 23-07-99 SetPriority
P40 23-07-99 SetDrawStp
P41 23-07-99 SetDrawMode
K00 23-07-99 GetTimSize
K01 23-07-99 Krom2Tim
T00 23-07-99 OpenTIM ReadTIM
T01 23-07-99 OpenTMD ReadTMD
KT00 23-07-99 Krom2RawAdd2
KT01 23-07-99 kanjitrans
KT02 23-07-99 hankanjitrans

LIBGS (Extended Graphics Library)

The extended graphics library LIBGS.LIB builds on top of LIBGPU and LIBGTE and provides functions to display TIM images and TMD model files.

From the official docs:

The extended graphics library (libgs) integrates the 2D and 3D graphics systems used in libgpu and libgte. It is designed to work well with the standard graphics file formats that can be created by PlayStation authoring tools:
• The TIM format stores image resolution, color numbers and color look-up table information.
• The TMD format stores multiple objects, scale information and texture address information.
• HMD is a new format that was added in version 4.0 of the libraries. See Chapter 18, “HMD Library”, for more information about this format.
In contrast with the libgpu and libgte libraries which process polygon-level data, libgs processes data by object units (groups of polygons), allowing 3D programs to be prototyped easily. By adding attributes to objects, it’s easy to create special effects.
Using libgs involves extra overhead compared to using libgpu and libgte. However, libgs is an open architecture. Therefore, once you are ready to produce your game, you can optimize it by adding user- defined functions (via a jump table) that use libgpu and libgte services.
Module Date Externals defined
2D_BG0 23-07-99 GsSortBg
2D_BG1 23-07-99 GsSortFastBg
2D_BG21 23-07-99 GsSortFixBg16
2D_BG22 23-07-99 GsInitFixBg16
2D_BG31 23-07-99 GsSortFixBg32
2D_BG32 23-07-99 GsInitFixBg32
2D_COM0 23-07-99 _mk_spr_packet _mk_xpndsp _mk_normsp
2D_COM1 23-07-99 _make_packet
2D_LIN0 23-07-99 GsSortLine
2D_LIN1 23-07-99 GsSortGLine
2D_BOX0 23-07-99 GsSortBoxFill
2D_PRIM 23-07-99 GsSortPoly
2D_SP0 23-07-99 GsSortSprite
2D_SP1 23-07-99 GsSortFastSprite
2D_SP2 23-07-99 GsSortFlipSprite
2D_SP41 23-07-99 GsSortFastSprite2
2D_SP42 23-07-99 GsInitFastSprite2
2D_SP43 23-07-99 GsSortFastSpriteArray
2D_SP44 23-07-99 GsInitFastSpriteArray
2D_SP45 23-07-99 GsSetFastSpriteArray
2D_SP0A 23-07-99 GsSortSpriteA
2D_SP1A 23-07-99 GsSortFastSpriteA
2D_SP0B 23-07-99 GsSortSpriteB
2D_SP1B 23-07-99 GsSortFastSpriteB
GS_0021 23-07-99 GsGetActiveBuff
GS_0022 23-07-99 GsSetDrawBuffOffset
GS_003 23-07-99 GsSetDrawBuffClip
GS_004 23-07-99 GsSetOffset
GS_005 23-07-99 GsSetClip
GS_006 23-07-99 GsSetClip2D
GS_007 23-07-99 GsInitVcount
GS_008 23-07-99 GsGetVcount
GS_009 23-07-99 GsClearVcount
GS_010 23-07-99 GsSwapDispBuff
GS_011 23-07-99 GsClearDispArea
GS_012 23-07-99 GsSetClip2
GS_013 23-07-99 GsSetOrign
MATRIX1 23-07-99 *DSTACK
MATRIX2 23-07-99 GsInitCoordinate2
MATRIX3 23-07-99 GsInitCoord2param
MATRIX4 23-07-99 GsSetLsMatrix
MATRIX5 23-07-99 GsSetLightMatrix
MATRIX6 23-07-99 GsSetLightMatrix2
MATRIX7 23-07-99 GsMulCoord0
MATRIX8 23-07-99 GsMulCoord2
MATRIX9 23-07-99 GsMulCoord3
MATRIX10 23-07-99 print_matrix
MATRIX11 23-07-99 print_vector
GS_101 23-07-99 GsSetNearClip
GS_102 23-07-99 GsSetFarClip
GS_103 23-07-99 GsDefDispBuff
GS_104 23-07-99 GsInit3D *HWD0 *VWD0 *GsCLIP3near *GsLIGHT_MODE *GsCLIP3far
GS_105 23-07-99 GsMapModelingData
GS_106 23-07-99 GsSetProjection
GS_107 23-07-99 GsSetFlatLight *GsLIGHTWSMATRIX *_LC
GS_108 23-07-99 GsSetLightMode
GS_109 23-07-99 GsSetFogParam
GS_110 23-07-99 GsSetAmbient
GS_111 23-07-99 GsDrawOt
GS_112 23-07-99 GsDrawOtIO
GS_113 23-07-99 GsClearOt
GS_114 23-07-99 GsSortOt
GS_1151 23-07-99 gte_apply_matrixl
GS_1152 23-07-99 gte_apply_matrixll
GS_116 23-07-99 gte_copy_matrix
GS_117 23-07-99 gte_rotate_x_matrix
GS_118 23-07-99 gte_rotate_y_matrix
GS_119 23-07-99 gte_rotate_z_matrix
GS_120 23-07-99 gte_scale_matrix
GS_121 23-07-99 gte_init
GS_122 23-07-99 GsGetTimInfo
GS_123 23-07-99 Gssub_make_matrix *GsWSMATRIX *GsWSMATRIX_ORG
GS_124 23-07-99 GsSetWorkBase
GS_125 23-07-99 GsGetWorkBase
GS_126 23-07-99 GsCutOt
GS_127 23-07-99 GsDefDispBuff2
GS_128 23-07-99 *GsIDMATRIX *GsIDMATRIX2
GS_131 23-07-99 GsSetRefView2
GS_132 23-07-99 GsSetView2
GS_133 23-07-99 GsGetLw
GS_134 23-07-99 GsGetLs
GS_135 23-07-99 GsGetLws
GS_136 23-07-99 GsScaleScreen
GS_137 23-07-99 GsSetRefView2L
PRESET_1 23-07-99 GsLinkObject5
PRESET_2 23-07-99 GsPresetObject
PRESET2 23-07-99 GsSortObject5
PRESET3 23-07-99 GsSortObject5J *GsFCALL5
PRESET4 23-07-99 dmyGsPrstF3NL dmyGsPrstF3LFG dmyGsPrstF3L dmyGsPrstNF3 dmyGsTMDdivF3NL dmyGsTMDdivF3LFG dmyGsTMDdivF3L dmyGsTMDdivNF3 dmyGsPrstG3NL dmyGsPrstG3LFG dmyGsPrstG3L dmyGsPrstNG3 dmyGsTMDdivG3NL dmyGsTMDdivG3LFG dmyGsTMDdivG3L dmyGsTMDdivNG3 dmyGsPrstTF3NL dmyGsPrstTF3LFG dmyGsPrstTF3L dmyGsPrstTNF3 dmyGsTMDdivTF3NL dmyGsTMDdivTF3LFG dmyGsTMDdivTF3L dmyGsTMDdivTNF3 dmyGsPrstTG3NL dmyGsPrstTG3LFG dmyGsPrstTG3L dmyGsPrstTNG3 dmyGsTMDdivTG3NL dmyGsTMDdivTG3LFG dmyGsTMDdivTG3L dmyGsTMDdivTNG3 dmyGsPrstF4NL dmyGsPrstF4LFG dmyGsPrstF4L dmyGsPrstNF4 dmyGsTMDdivF4NL dmyGsTMDdivF4LFG dmyGsTMDdivF4L dmyGsTMDdivNF4 dmyGsPrstG4NL dmyGsPrstG4LFG dmyGsPrstG4L dmyGsPrstNG4 dmyGsTMDdivG4NL dmyGsTMDdivG4LFG dmyGsTMDdivG4L dmyGsTMDdivNG4 dmyGsPrstTF4NL dmyGsPrstTF4LFG dmyGsPrstTF4L dmyGsPrstTNF4 dmyGsTMDdivTF4NL dmyGsTMDdivTF4LFG dmyGsTMDdivTF4L dmyGsTMDdivTNF4 dmyGsPrstTG4NL dmyGsPrstTG4LFG dmyGsPrstTG4L dmyGsPrstTNG4 dmyGsTMDdivTG4NL dmyGsTMDdivTG4LFG dmyGsTMDdivTG4L dmyGsTMDdivTNG4 dmyGsTMDfastF3NL dmyGsTMDfastF3LFG dmyGsTMDfastF3L dmyGsTMDfastNF3 dmyGsTMDfastG3NL dmyGsTMDfastG3LFG dmyGsTMDfastG3L dmyGsTMDfastNG3 dmyGsTMDfastTF3NL dmyGsTMDfastTF3LFG dmyGsTMDfastTF3L dmyGsTMDfastTNF3 dmyGsTMDfastTG3NL dmyGsTMDfastTG3LFG dmyGsTMDfastTG3L dmyGsTMDfastTNG3 dmyGsTMDfastF4NL dmyGsTMDfastF4LFG dmyGsTMDfastF4L dmyGsTMDfastNF4 dmyGsTMDfastG4NL dmyGsTMDfastG4LFG dmyGsTMDfastG4L dmyGsTMDfastNG4 dmyGsTMDfastTF4NL dmyGsTMDfastTF4LFG dmyGsTMDfastTF4L dmyGsTMDfastTNF4 dmyGsTMDfastTG4NL dmyGsTMDfastTG4LFG dmyGsTMDfastTG4L dmyGsTMDfastTNG4 dmyGsTMDfastF3GL dmyGsTMDfastF3GLFG dmyGsTMDfastF3GNL dmyGsTMDfastG3GL dmyGsTMDfastG3GLFG dmyGsTMDfastG3GNL dmyGsPrstF3GL dmyGsPrstF3GLFG dmyGsPrstF3GNL dmyGsPrstG3GL dmyGsPrstG3GLFG dmyGsPrstG3GNL
PMD1 23-07-99 GsLinkObject3
PMD2 23-07-99 GsSortObject3
OBJT 23-07-99 GsLinkObject4
OBJT2 23-07-99 GsSortObject4
OBJT3 23-07-99 GsSortObject4J *GsFCALL4
DATG4_00 23-07-99 GsA4divTG4L
DATG4_01 23-07-99 GsA4divTG4LFG
DATG4_02 23-07-99 GsA4divTG4NL
DATG4_03 23-07-99 GsA4divTNG4
DATG4M00 23-07-99 GsA4divTG4LM
DATG4M01 23-07-99 GsA4divTG4LFGM
DATG4M02 23-07-99 GsA4divTG4NLM
DATG4M03 23-07-99 GsA4divTNG4M
DAFT4_00 23-07-99 GsA4divTF4L
DAFT4_01 23-07-99 GsA4divTF4LFG
DAFT4_02 23-07-99 GsA4divTF4NL
DAFT4_03 23-07-99 GsA4divTNF4
DAFT4M00 23-07-99 GsA4divTF4LM
DAFT4M01 23-07-99 GsA4divTF4LFGM
DAFT4M02 23-07-99 GsA4divTF4NLM
DAFT4M03 23-07-99 GsA4divTNF4M
DAG4_00 23-07-99 GsA4divG4L
DAG4_01 23-07-99 GsA4divG4LFG
DAG4_02 23-07-99 GsA4divG4NL
DAG4_03 23-07-99 GsA4divNG4
DAF4_00 23-07-99 GsA4divF4L
DAF4_01 23-07-99 GsA4divF4LFG
DAF4_02 23-07-99 GsA4divF4NL
DAF4_03 23-07-99 GsA4divNF4
DATG3_00 23-07-99 GsA4divTG3L
DATG3_01 23-07-99 GsA4divTG3LFG
DATG3_02 27-07-99 GsA4divTG3NL
DATG3_03 23-07-99 GsA4divTNG3
DAG3_00 23-07-99 GsA4divG3L
DAG3_01 23-07-99 GsA4divG3LFG
DAG3_02 23-07-99 GsA4divG3NL
DAG3_03 23-07-99 GsA4divNG3
DAG3GF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3GL
DAG3GF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3GLFG
DAG3GF02 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3GNL
DAG3GP00 23-07-99 GsPrstG3GL
DAG3GP01 23-07-99 GsPrstG3GLFG
DAG3GP02 23-07-99 GsPrstG3GNL
DAFT3_00 23-07-99 GsA4divTF3L
DAFT3_01 23-07-99 GsA4divTF3LFG
DAFT3_02 23-07-99 GsA4divTF3NL
DAFT3_03 27-07-99 GsA4divTNF3
DAF3_00 23-07-99 GsA4divF3L
DAF3_01 23-07-99 GsA4divF3LFG
DAF3_02 23-07-99 GsA4divF3NL
DAF3_03 23-07-99 GsA4divNF3
DAF3GF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3GL
DAF3GF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3GLFG
DAF3GF02 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3GNL
DAF3GP00 23-07-99 GsPrstF3GL
DAF3GP01 23-07-99 GsPrstF3GLFG
DAF3GP02 23-07-99 GsPrstF3GNL
DAG3MF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3M
DAG3MF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3MFG
DATG3MF0 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3M
DATG3MF1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3MFG
DAG4MF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4M
DAG4MF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4MFG
DATG4MF0 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4M
DATG4MF1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4MFG
DAF3MF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3M
DAF3MF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3MFG
DAFT3MF0 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3M
DAFT3MF1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3MFG
DAF4MF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4M
DAF4MF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4MFG
DAFT4MF0 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4M
DAFT4MF1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4MFG
DAF4GF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4GL
DAF4GF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4GLFG
DAF4GF02 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4GNL
DAG4GF00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4GL
DAG4GF01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4GLFG
DAG4GF02 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4GNL

LIBGTE (Geometry Transformation Engine)

LIBGTE is a library for 2D/3D math calculations that use the GTW hardware chip on the playstation to calculate coordinates and colour information before it is sent to the GPU.

Module Date Externals defined
SINCOS 23-07-99 rsin_tbl
GEO_00 23-07-99 rsin sin_1
GEO_01 23-07-99 rcos
FOG_00 23-07-99 SetFogFar
FOG_01 23-07-99 SetFogNear
FOG_02 23-07-99 SetFogNearFar
COR_00 23-07-99 RotMatrixC
COR_01 23-07-99 H_cor_tbl csincos
COR_02 23-07-99 ccos
COR_03 23-07-99 csin_1 csin
COR_04 23-07-99 H_ln_tbl cln_1 cln
COR_05 23-07-99 csqrt_1 csqrt
COR_06 23-07-99 K_cor_tbl catan
SQRTBL 23-07-99 SQRT
MSC00 23-07-99 InitGeom
MSC01 23-07-99 SquareRoot0
MSC02 23-07-99 InvSquareRoot VectorNormal VectorNormalS VectorNormalSS MatrixNormal
MSC03 23-07-99 InterpolShort
MSC04 23-07-99 InterpolByte
MSC05 23-07-99 gteMIMefunc
MSC07 23-07-99 p2otz
MSC08 23-07-99 otz2p
MSC09 23-07-99 SquareRoot12
MTX_000 23-07-99 MulMatrix0
MTX_001 23-07-99 MulRotMatrix
MTX_002 23-07-99 MulRotMatrix0
MTX_003 23-07-99 CompMatrix
MTX_004 23-07-99 ApplyMatrixLV
MTX_005 23-07-99 ApplyRotMatrix
MTX_006 23-07-99 PushMatrix PopMatrix
MTX_007 23-07-99 ReadLightMatrix
MTX_008 23-07-99 ReadColorMatrix
MTX_009 23-07-99 ReadRotMatrix
MTX_00A 23-07-99 ScaleMatrixL
MTX_00B 23-07-99 SetMulMatrix
MTX_00C 23-07-99 CompMatrixLV
MTX_01 23-07-99 ApplyRotMatrixLV
MTX_02 23-07-99 SetMulRotMatrix
MTX_03 23-07-99 MulMatrix
MTX_04 23-07-99 MulMatrix2
MTX_05 23-07-99 ApplyMatrix
MTX_06 23-07-99 ApplyMatrixSV
MTX_07 23-07-99 TransMatrix
MTX_08 23-07-99 ScaleMatrix
MTX_09 23-07-99 SetRotMatrix
MTX_10 23-07-99 SetLightMatrix
MTX_11 23-07-99 SetColorMatrix
MTX_12 23-07-99 SetTransMatrix
REG00 23-07-99 SetRGBcd
REG04 23-07-99 ReadSZfifo3
REG05 23-07-99 ReadSZfifo4
REG06 23-07-99 ReadSXSYfifo
REG07 23-07-99 ReadRGBfifo
REG08 23-07-99 ReadGeomOffset
REG09 23-07-99 ReadGeomScreen
REG10 23-07-99 SetBackColor
REG11 23-07-99 SetFarColor
REG12 23-07-99 SetGeomOffset
REG13 23-07-99 SetGeomScreen
SMP_02 23-07-99 RotTransPers
SMP_03 23-07-99 RotTransPers3
SMP_04 23-07-99 RotTrans
SMP_05 23-07-99 NormalClip
SMP_06 23-07-99 NormalClipS
CMB_00 23-07-99 RotTransPers4
CMB_01 23-07-99 RotAverage3
CMB_02 23-07-99 RotAverage4
CMB_03 23-07-99 RotNclip
CMB_04 23-07-99 RotNclip3
CMB_05 23-07-99 RotNclip4
CMB_06 23-07-99 RotAverageNclip3
CMB_07 23-07-99 RotAverageNclip4
CMB_08 23-07-99 RotAverageNclipColorDpq3
CMB_09 23-07-99 RotAverageNclipColorCol3
CMB_10 23-07-99 ColorMatDpq
CMB_11 23-07-99 ColorMatCol
CMB_12 23-07-99 RotColorDpq
CMB_13 23-07-99 RotColorDpq3
CMB_14 23-07-99 RotColorMatDpq
CMB_15 23-07-99 RotAverageNclip3_1
CMB_16 23-07-99 RotTransPersN
CMB_17 23-07-99 RotTransPers3N
CMB_18 23-07-99 RotAverageNclipColorDpq3_1
HGT 23-07-99 RotMeshH
CSTBL 23-07-99 rcossin_tbl
CSTBLOLD 23-07-99 rcossin_tbl_0
FGO_00 23-07-99 TransposeMatrix
FGO_01 23-07-99 RotMatrix
FGO_02 23-07-99 RotMatrixYXZ
FGO_03 23-07-99 RotMatrixZYX
FGO_04 23-07-99 RotMatrixX
FGO_05 23-07-99 RotMatrixY
FGO_06 23-07-99 RotMatrixZ
FGO_07 23-07-99 rcossin
FGO_08 23-07-99 RotMatrixZXY
FGO_09 23-07-99 RotMatrixXZY
FGO_10 23-07-99 RotMatrixYZX
RMAT_00 23-07-99 RotMatrixZYX_gte
RMAT_01 23-07-99 RotMatrix_gte
RMAT_02 23-07-99 RotMatrixYXZ_gte
FT4M_00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNF4M
FT4M_01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4NLM
FT4M_02 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4LM
FT4M_03 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4LFGM
GT4M_00 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNG4M
GT4M_01 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4NLM
GT4M_02 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4LM
GT4M_03 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4LFGM
SMD_00 23-07-99 RotSMD_F3
SMD_01 23-07-99 RotSMD_G3
SMD_02 23-07-99 RotSMD_FT3
SMD_03 23-07-99 RotSMD_GT3
SMD_04 23-07-99 RotSMD_F4
SMD_05 23-07-99 RotSMD_G4
SMD_06 23-07-99 RotSMD_FT4
SMD_07 23-07-99 RotSMD_GT4
SMD_08 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_F3
SMD_09 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_G3
SMD_10 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_FT3
SMD_11 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_GT3
SMD_12 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_F4
SMD_13 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_G4
SMD_14 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_FT4
SMD_15 23-07-99 RotSMD_SV_GT4
RMD_00 23-07-99 RotRMD_F3
RMD_01 23-07-99 RotRMD_G3
RMD_02 23-07-99 RotRMD_FT3
RMD_03 23-07-99 RotRMD_GT3
RMD_04 23-07-99 RotRMD_F4
RMD_05 23-07-99 RotRMD_G4
RMD_06 23-07-99 RotRMD_FT4
RMD_07 23-07-99 RotRMD_GT4
RMD_08 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_F3
RMD_09 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_G3
RMD_10 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_FT3
RMD_11 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_GT3
RMD_12 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_F4
RMD_13 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_G4
RMD_14 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_FT4
RMD_15 23-07-99 RotRMD_SV_GT4
CLIP_INI 23-07-99 CLIPEvbf *_tmp_evbf InitClip *CLIPNearz *CLIPFarz *CLIPHdkx *CLIPHdky *CLIPKdhx *CLIPKdhy
CLIPF_00 23-07-99 Clip3FP
CLIPF_01 23-07-99 Clip4FP
CLIPF_02 23-07-99 Clip3F
CLIPF_03 23-07-99 Clip4F
CLIPF_04 23-07-99 ClipF
CLIPF_05 23-07-99 ZClipF
DVF3_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF3L
DVF3_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF3LFG
DVF3_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF3NL
DVF3_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNF3
DVF3_04 23-07-99 DivideF3
DVFT3_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF3L
DVFT3_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF3LFG
DVFT3_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF3NL
DVFT3_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNF3
DVFT3_04 23-07-99 DivideFT3
DVG3_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG3L
DVG3_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG3LFG
DVG3_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG3NL
DVG3_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNG3
DVG3_04 23-07-99 DivideG3
DVGT3_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG3L
DVGT3_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG3LFG
DVGT3_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG3NL
DVGT3_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNG3
DVGT3_04 23-07-99 DivideGT3
DVF4_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF4L
DVF4_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF4LFG
DVF4_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF4NL
DVF4_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNF4
DVF4_04 23-07-99 DivideF4
DVFT4_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4L
DVFT4_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4LFG
DVFT4_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4NL
DVFT4_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNF4
DVFT4_04 23-07-99 DivideFT4
DVG4_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG4L
DVG4_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG4LFG
DVG4_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG4NL
DVG4_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNG4
DVG4_04 23-07-99 DivideG4
DVGT4_00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4L
DVGT4_01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4LFG
DVGT4_02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4NL
DVGT4_03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNG4
DVGT4_04 23-07-99 DivideGT4
DIVF3A 23-07-99 RCpolyF3 RCpolyF3A
DIVFT3A 23-07-99 RCpolyFT3 RCpolyFT3A
DIVG3A 23-07-99 RCpolyG3 RCpolyG3A
DIVGT3A 23-07-99 RCpolyGT3 RCpolyGT3A
DIVF4A 23-07-99 RCpolyF4 RCpolyF4A
DIVFT4A 23-07-99 RCpolyFT4 RCpolyFT4A
DIVG4A 23-07-99 RCpolyG4 RCpolyG4A
DIVGT4A 23-07-99 RCpolyGT4 RCpolyGT4A
DIVP 23-07-99 DivPloyFT4
DVFT4M00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4LM
DVFT4M01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4LFGM
DVFT4M02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4NLM
DVFT4M03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNF4M
DVGT4M00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4LM
DVGT4M01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4LFGM
DVGT4M02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4NLM
DVGT4M03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNG4M
RMPS_F 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_F3
RMPS_G 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_G3
RMPS_FT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_FT3
RMPS_GT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_GT3
RMPS_FC 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_FC3
RMPS_GC 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_GC3
RMPS_FCT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_FCT3
RMPS_GCT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_GCT3
RMPS_T 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimS_T3
RMPR_F 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_F3
RMPR_G 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_G3
RMPR_FT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_FT3
RMPR_GT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_GT3
RMPR_FC 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_FC3
RMPR_GC 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_GC3
RMPR_FCT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_FCT3
RMPR_GCT 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_GCT3
RMPR_T 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimR_T3
RMPQ_T 23-07-99 RotMeshPrimQ_T
RATAN 23-07-99 ratan_tbl ratan2
PPMFT 23-07-99 pers_map
PPM 23-07-99 ScanXY0
PATCHGTE 23-07-99 _patch_gte
PHN 23-07-99 PhongLine
DVF3B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF3LB
DVF3B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF3LFGB
DVF3B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF3NLB
DVF3B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNF3B
DVF4B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF4LB
DVF4B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF4LFGB
DVF4B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivF4NLB
DVF4B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNF4B
DVFT3B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF3LB
DVFT3B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF3LFGB
DVFT3B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF3NLB
DVFT3B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNF3B
DVFT4B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4LB
DVFT4B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4LFGB
DVFT4B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTF4NLB
DVFT4B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNF4B
DVG3B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG3LB
DVG3B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG3LFGB
DVG3B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG3NLB
DVG3B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNG3B
DVG4B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG4LB
DVG4B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG4LFGB
DVG4B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivG4NLB
DVG4B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivNG4B
DVGT3B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG3LB
DVGT3B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG3LFGB
DVGT3B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG3NLB
DVGT3B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNG3B
DVGT4B00 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4LB
DVGT4B01 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4LFGB
DVGT4B02 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTG4NLB
DVGT4B03 23-07-99 GsTMDdivTNG4B
GEO_1 23-07-99 RotMatrixZYX_C
GEO_2 23-07-99 RotMatrix_C
GEO_3 23-07-99 RotMatrixYXZ_C
GEO_4 23-07-99 RotMatrixX_C
GEO_5 23-07-99 RotMatrixY_C
GEO_6 23-07-99 RotMatrixZ_C
GEO_02_1 23-07-99 EigenMatrix
GEO_02_2 23-07-99 IsIdMatrix
GEO_03_1 23-07-99 MatrixNormal_0
GEO_03_2 23-07-99 MatrixNormal_1
GEO_03_3 23-07-99 MatrixNormal_2
SPL_1 23-07-99 SubPol4
SPL_2 23-07-99 SubPol3
MSC06_1 23-07-99 LoadAverage12
MSC06_2 23-07-99 LoadAverage0
MSC06_3 23-07-99 LoadAverageShort12
MSC06_4 23-07-99 LoadAverageShort0
MSC06_5 23-07-99 LoadAverageByte
MSC06_6 23-07-99 LoadAverageCol
REG02_1 23-07-99 ReadOTZ
REG02_2 23-07-99 ReadIR0
REG02_3 23-07-99 ReadIR123
REG02_4 23-07-99 ReadSZ2
REG02_5 23-07-99 ReadMac0
REG02_6 23-07-99 ReadMAC123
REG02_7 23-07-99 ReadORGB
REG02_8 23-07-99 ReadLZC
REG02_9 23-07-99 ReadFLAG
REG03_1 23-07-99 SetVertex0
REG03_2 23-07-99 SetVertex1
REG03_3 23-07-99 SetVertex2
REG03_4 23-07-99 SetVertexTri
REG03_5 23-07-99 SetRGBfifo
REG03_6 23-07-99 SetIR123
REG03_7 23-07-99 SetIR0
REG03_8 23-07-99 SetSZfifo3
REG03_9 23-07-99 SetSZfifo4
REG03_10 23-07-99 SetSXSYfifo
REG03_11 23-07-99 SetRii
REG03_12 23-07-99 SetMAC123
REG03_13 23-07-99 SetData32
REG03_14 23-07-99 SetDQA
REG03_15 23-07-99 SetDQB
SMP_1 23-07-99 LocalLight
SMP_2 23-07-99 DpqColor
SMP_3 23-07-99 NormalColor
SMP_4 23-07-99 NormalColor3
SMP_5 23-07-99 NormalColorDpq
SMP_6 23-07-99 NormalColorDpq3
SMP_7 23-07-99 NormalColorCol
SMP_8 23-07-99 NormalColorCol3
SMP_9 23-07-99 ColorDpq
SMP_10 23-07-99 ColorCol
SMP_11 23-07-99 AverageSZ3
SMP_12 23-07-99 AverageSZ4
SMP_00_1 23-07-99 LightColor
SMP_00_2 23-07-99 DpqColorLight
SMP_00_3 23-07-99 DpqColor3
SMP_00_4 23-07-99 Intpl
SMP_00_5 23-07-99 Square12
SMP_00_6 23-07-99 Square0
SMP_00_7 23-07-99 AverageZ3
SMP_00_8 23-07-99 AverageZ4
SMP_00_9 23-07-99 OuterProduct12
SMP_00_1 23-07-99 OuterProduct0
SMP_00_1 23-07-99 Lzc
SMP_01_1 23-07-99 RotTransSV
SMP_01_2 23-07-99 SquareSS12
SMP_01_3 23-07-99 SquareSS0
SMP_01_4 23-07-99 SquareSL12
SMP_01_5 23-07-99 SquareSL0
TMD_1 23-07-99 gte_scope_f3
TMD_2 23-07-99 gte_scope_tf3
TMD_3 23-07-99 gte_scope_g3
TMD_4 23-07-99 gte_scope_tg3
TMD_5 23-07-99 gte_flat3
TMD_6 23-07-99 gte_texture_flat3
TMD_7 23-07-99 gte_gouraud3
TMD_8 23-07-99 gte_texture_gouraud3
TMD_9 23-07-99 gte_flat_fog3
TMD_10 23-07-99 gte_texture_flat_fog3
TMD_11 23-07-99 gte_gouraud_fog3
TMD_12 23-07-99 gte_texture_gouraud_fog3
TMD_13 23-07-99 gte_scope_tf4_B
TMD_14 23-07-99 gte_scope_tf4
NOM_1 23-07-99 RotTransPers_nom
NOM_2 23-07-99 RotTransPers3_nom
NOM_3 23-07-99 RotTrans_nom
NOM_4 23-07-99 RotTransPers4_nom
NOM_5 23-07-99 RotAverage3_nom
NOM_6 23-07-99 RotNclip3_nom
NOM_7 23-07-99 RotAverageNclip3_nom
NOM_8 23-07-99 RotColorDpq_nom
NOM_9 23-07-99 RotColorDpq3_nom
NOM_10 23-07-99 RotAverageNclipColorDpq3_nom
NOM_11 23-07-99 RotAverageNclipColorCol3_nom
NOM_12 23-07-99 NormalColor_nom
NOM_13 23-07-99 NormalColor3_nom
NOM_14 23-07-99 NormalColorDpq_nom
NOM_15 23-07-99 NormalColorDpq3_nom
NOM_16 23-07-99 NormalColorCol_nom
NOM_17 23-07-99 NormalColorCol3_nom
F3_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNF3
F3_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3NL
F3_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3L
F3_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3LFG
F4_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNF4
F4_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4NL
F4_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4L
F4_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4LFG
F4S_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNF4D
F4S_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4NLD
F4S_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4LD
F4S_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4LFGD
G3_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNG3
G3_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3NL
G3_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3L
G3_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3LFG
G4_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNG4
G4_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4NL
G4_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4L
G4_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4LFG
G4S_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNG4D
G4S_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4NLD
G4S_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4LD
G4S_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4LFGD
FT3_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNF3
FT3_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3NL
FT3_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3L
FT3_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3LFG
FT4_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNF4
FT4_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4NL
FT4_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4L
FT4_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4LFG
FT4S_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNF4D
FT4S_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4NLD
FT4S_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4LD
FT4S_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4LFGD
GT3_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNG3
GT3_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3NL
GT3_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3L
GT3_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3LFG
GT4_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNG4
GT4_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4NL
GT4_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4L
GT4_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4LFG
GT4S_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNG4D
GT4S_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4NLD
GT4S_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4LD
GT4S_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4LFGD
PRS_F3_1 23-07-99 GsPrstNF3
PRS_F3_2 23-07-99 GsPrstF3NL
PRS_F3_3 23-07-99 GsPrstF3L
PRS_F3_4 23-07-99 GsPrstF3LFG
PRS_F4_1 23-07-99 GsPrstNF4
PRS_F4_2 23-07-99 GsPrstF4NL
PRS_F4_3 23-07-99 GsPrstF4L
PRS_F4_4 23-07-99 GsPrstF4LFG
PRS_F4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstNF4D
PRS_F4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstF4NLD
PRS_F4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstF4LD
PRS_F4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstF4LFGD
PRS_G3_1 23-07-99 GsPrstNG3
PRS_G3_2 23-07-99 GsPrstG3NL
PRS_G3_3 23-07-99 GsPrstG3L
PRS_G3_4 23-07-99 GsPrstG3LFG
PRS_G4_1 23-07-99 GsPrstNG4
PRS_G4_2 23-07-99 GsPrstG4NL
PRS_G4_3 23-07-99 GsPrstG4L
PRS_G4_4 23-07-99 GsPrstG4LFG
PRS_G4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstNG4D
PRS_G4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstG4NLD
PRS_G4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstG4LD
PRS_G4S_ 23-07-99 GsPrstG4LFGD
PRS_FT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTNF3
PRS_FT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTF3NL
PRS_FT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTF3L
PRS_FT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTF3LFG
PRS_FT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTNF4
PRS_FT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTF4NL
PRS_FT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTF4L
PRS_FT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTF4LFG
PRS_FT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTNF4D
PRS_FT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTF4NLD
PRS_FT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTF4LD
PRS_FT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTF4LFGD
PRS_GT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTNG3
PRS_GT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTG3NL
PRS_GT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTG3L
PRS_GT3_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTG3LFG
PRS_GT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTNG4
PRS_GT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTG4NL
PRS_GT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTG4L
PRS_GT4_ 23-07-99 GsPrstTG4LFG
PRS_GT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTNG4D
PRS_GT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTG4NLD
PRS_GT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTG4LD
PRS_GT4S 23-07-99 GsPrstTG4LFGD
PMD_1 23-07-99 RotPMD_F3
PMD_2 23-07-99 RotPMD_G3
PMD_3 23-07-99 RotPMD_FT3
PMD_4 23-07-99 RotPMD_GT3
PMD_5 23-07-99 RotPMD_F4
PMD_6 23-07-99 RotPMD_G4
PMD_7 23-07-99 RotPMD_FT4
PMD_8 23-07-99 RotPMD_GT4
PMD_9 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_F3
PMD_10 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_G3
PMD_11 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_FT3
PMD_12 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_GT3
PMD_13 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_F4
PMD_14 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_G4
PMD_15 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_FT4
PMD_16 23-07-99 RotPMD_SV_GT4
NMD_1 23-07-99 RotNMD_F3
NMD_2 23-07-99 RotNMD_G3
NMD_3 23-07-99 RotNMD_FT3
NMD_4 23-07-99 RotNMD_GT3
NMD_5 23-07-99 RotNMD_F4
NMD_6 23-07-99 RotNMD_G4
NMD_7 23-07-99 RotNMD_FT4
NMD_8 23-07-99 RotNMD_GT4
NMD_9 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_F3
NMD_10 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_G3
NMD_11 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_FT3
NMD_12 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_GT3
NMD_13 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_F4
NMD_14 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_G4
NMD_15 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_FT4
NMD_16 23-07-99 RotNMD_SV_GT4
CLIP_G_1 23-07-99 Clip3GP Clip3G
CLIP_G_2 23-07-99 Clip4GP Clip4G
CLIP_G_3 23-07-99 ClipG ZClipG
CLIP_FT_ 23-07-99 Clip3FTP Clip3FT
CLIP_FT_ 23-07-99 Clip4FTP Clip4FT
CLIP_FT_ 23-07-99 ClipFT ZClipFT
CLIP_GT_ 23-07-99 Clip3GTP Clip3GT
CLIP_GT_ 23-07-99 Clip4GTP Clip4GT
CLIP_GT_ 23-07-99 ClipGT ZClipGT
TRR_1 23-07-99 TransRot_32
TRR_2 23-07-99 TransRotPers
TRR_3 23-07-99 TransRotPers3
TRR_4 23-07-99 ApplyTransposeMatrixLV
F3B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNF3B
F3B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3NLB
F3B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3LB
F3B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF3LFGB
F4B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNF4B
F4B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4NLB
F4B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4LB
F4B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastF4LFGB
G3B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNG3B
G3B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3NLB
G3B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3LB
G3B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG3LFGB
G4B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastNG4B
G4B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4NLB
G4B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4LB
G4B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastG4LFGB
FT3B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNF3B
FT3B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3NLB
FT3B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3LB
FT3B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF3LFGB
FT4B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNF4B
FT4B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4NLB
FT4B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4LB
FT4B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTF4LFGB
GT3B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNG3B
GT3B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3NLB
GT3B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3LB
GT3B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3LFGB
GT4B_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNG4B
GT4B_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4NLB
GT4B_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4LB
GT4B_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG4LFGB
GT3F_1 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTNG3_FLIP
GT3F_2 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3NL_FLIP
GT3F_3 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3L_FLIP
GT3F_4 23-07-99 GsTMDfastTG3LFG_FLIP


Lightgun library

Module Date Externals defined
GUN 22-09-97 RemoveGUN StopGun StartGun SelectGUN StartGUN StopGUN InitGUN SendGUN EnableGUN DisableGUN
NEWGUN 22-09-97 _InitGun _ExitGun _check_gun_flag _clear_gun_flag read_gun_v read_gun_h

LIBHMD (HMD model, texture and animation format handling)

The LIBHMD.LIB library supports loading the HMD format which is a 3D object that contains animation, texture and vertices to represent an object in 3D space.

Module Date Externals defined
00000008 23-07-99 GsU_00000008
00000009 23-07-99 GsU_00000009
0000000A 23-07-99 GsU_0000000a
0000000B 23-07-99 GsU_0000000b
0000000C 23-07-99 GsU_0000000c
0000000D 23-07-99 GsU_0000000d
0000000E 23-07-99 GsU_0000000e
0000000F 23-07-99 GsU_0000000f
00000010 23-07-99 GsU_00000010
00000011 23-07-99 GsU_00000011
00000012 23-07-99 GsU_00000012
00000013 23-07-99 GsU_00000013
00000014 23-07-99 GsU_00000014
00000015 23-07-99 GsU_00000015
00000016 23-07-99 GsU_00000016
00000017 23-07-99 GsU_00000017
00000018 23-07-99 GsU_00000018
00000019 23-07-99 GsU_00000019
0000001C 23-07-99 GsU_0000001c
0000001D 23-07-99 GsU_0000001d
00000209 23-07-99 GsU_00000209
0000020B 23-07-99 GsU_0000020b
0000020D 23-07-99 GsU_0000020d
0000020F 23-07-99 GsU_0000020f
00000211 23-07-99 GsU_00000211
00000213 23-07-99 GsU_00000213
00000215 23-07-99 GsU_00000215
00000217 23-07-99 GsU_00000217
00020008 23-07-99 GsU_00020008
00020009 23-07-99 GsU_00020009
0002000A 23-07-99 GsU_0002000a
0002000B 23-07-99 GsU_0002000b
0002000C 23-07-99 GsU_0002000c
0002000D 23-07-99 GsU_0002000d
0002000E 23-07-99 GsU_0002000e
0002000F 23-07-99 GsU_0002000f
00020010 23-07-99 GsU_00020010
00020011 23-07-99 GsU_00020011
00020012 23-07-99 GsU_00020012
00020013 23-07-99 GsU_00020013
00020014 23-07-99 GsU_00020014
00020015 23-07-99 GsU_00020015
00020016 23-07-99 GsU_00020016
00020017 23-07-99 GsU_00020017
00020209 23-07-99 GsU_00020209
0002020B 23-07-99 GsU_0002020b
0002020D 23-07-99 GsU_0002020d
0002020F 23-07-99 GsU_0002020f
00020211 23-07-99 GsU_00020211
00020213 23-07-99 GsU_00020213
00020215 23-07-99 GsU_00020215
00020217 23-07-99 GsU_00020217
00040048 23-07-99 GsU_00040048
00040049 23-07-99 GsU_00040049
0004004C 23-07-99 GsU_0004004c
0004004D 23-07-99 GsU_0004004d
00040050 23-07-99 GsU_00040050
00040051 23-07-99 GsU_00040051
00040054 23-07-99 GsU_00040054
00040055 23-07-99 GsU_00040055
00040058 23-07-99 GsU_00040058
00040059 23-07-99 GsU_00040059
0004005C 23-07-99 GsU_0004005c
0004005D 23-07-99 GsU_0004005d
00040148 23-07-99 GsU_00040148
00040149 23-07-99 GsU_00040149
0004014C 23-07-99 GsU_0004014c
0004014D 23-07-99 GsU_0004014d
00040150 23-07-99 GsU_00040150
00040151 23-07-99 GsU_00040151
00040154 23-07-99 GsU_00040154
00040155 23-07-99 GsU_00040155
00040249 23-07-99 GsU_00040249
0004024D 23-07-99 GsU_0004024d
00040251 23-07-99 GsU_00040251
00040255 23-07-99 GsU_00040255
00100008 23-07-99 GsU_00100008
00100009 23-07-99 GsU_00100009
0010000A 23-07-99 GsU_0010000a
0010000B 23-07-99 GsU_0010000b
0010000C 23-07-99 GsU_0010000c
0010000D 23-07-99 GsU_0010000d
0010000E 23-07-99 GsU_0010000e
0010000F 23-07-99 GsU_0010000f
00100010 23-07-99 GsU_00100010
00100011 23-07-99 GsU_00100011
00100012 23-07-99 GsU_00100012
00100013 23-07-99 GsU_00100013
00100014 23-07-99 GsU_00100014
00100015 23-07-99 GsU_00100015
00100016 23-07-99 GsU_00100016
00100017 23-07-99 GsU_00100017
00100209 23-07-99 GsU_00100209
0010020B 23-07-99 GsU_0010020b
0010020D 23-07-99 GsU_0010020d
0010020F 23-07-99 GsU_0010020f
00100211 23-07-99 GsU_00100211
00100213 23-07-99 GsU_00100213
00100215 23-07-99 GsU_00100215
00100217 23-07-99 GsU_00100217
00200008 23-07-99 GsU_00200008
00200009 23-07-99 GsU_00200009
0020000C 23-07-99 GsU_0020000c
0020000D 23-07-99 GsU_0020000d
00200010 23-07-99 GsU_00200010
00200011 23-07-99 GsU_00200011
00200014 23-07-99 GsU_00200014
00200015 23-07-99 GsU_00200015
00200209 23-07-99 GsU_00200209
0020020D 23-07-99 GsU_0020020d
00200211 23-07-99 GsU_00200211
00200215 23-07-99 GsU_00200215
00240048 23-07-99 GsU_00240048
00240049 23-07-99 GsU_00240049
0024004C 23-07-99 GsU_0024004c
0024004D 23-07-99 GsU_0024004d
00240050 23-07-99 GsU_00240050
00240051 23-07-99 GsU_00240051
00240054 23-07-99 GsU_00240054
00240055 23-07-99 GsU_00240055
00240249 23-07-99 GsU_00240249
0024024D 23-07-99 GsU_0024024d
00240251 23-07-99 GsU_00240251
00240255 23-07-99 GsU_00240255
00300008 23-07-99 GsU_00300008
00300009 23-07-99 GsU_00300009
0030000C 23-07-99 GsU_0030000c
0030000D 23-07-99 GsU_0030000d
00300010 23-07-99 GsU_00300010
00300011 23-07-99 GsU_00300011
00300014 23-07-99 GsU_00300014
00300015 23-07-99 GsU_00300015
00300209 23-07-99 GsU_00300209
0030020D 23-07-99 GsU_0030020d
00300211 23-07-99 GsU_00300211
00300215 23-07-99 GsU_00300215
01000000 23-07-99 GsU_01000000
0100000C 23-07-99 GsU_0100000c
0100000D 23-07-99 GsU_0100000d
0100000E 23-07-99 GsU_0100000e
0100000F 23-07-99 GsU_0100000f
01000014 23-07-99 GsU_01000014
01000015 23-07-99 GsU_01000015
01000016 23-07-99 GsU_01000016
01000017 23-07-99 GsU_01000017
0100020D 23-07-99 GsU_0100020d
0100020F 23-07-99 GsU_0100020f
01000215 23-07-99 GsU_01000215
01000217 23-07-99 GsU_01000217
0102000C 23-07-99 GsU_0102000c
0102000D 23-07-99 GsU_0102000d
0102000E 23-07-99 GsU_0102000e
0102000F 23-07-99 GsU_0102000f
01020014 23-07-99 GsU_01020014
01020015 23-07-99 GsU_01020015
01020016 23-07-99 GsU_01020016
01020017 23-07-99 GsU_01020017
0102020D 23-07-99 GsU_0102020d
0102020F 23-07-99 GsU_0102020f
01020215 23-07-99 GsU_01020215
01020217 23-07-99 GsU_01020217
01040048 23-07-99 GsU_01040048
01040049 23-07-99 GsU_01040049
0104004C 23-07-99 GsU_0104004c
0104004D 23-07-99 GsU_0104004d
01040050 23-07-99 GsU_01040050
01040051 23-07-99 GsU_01040051
01040054 23-07-99 GsU_01040054
01040055 23-07-99 GsU_01040055
01040249 23-07-99 GsU_01040249
0104024D 23-07-99 GsU_0104024d
01040251 23-07-99 GsU_01040251
01040255 23-07-99 GsU_01040255
0120000C 23-07-99 GsU_0120000c
0120000D 23-07-99 GsU_0120000d
01200014 23-07-99 GsU_01200014
01200015 23-07-99 GsU_01200015
0120020D 23-07-99 GsU_0120020d
01200215 23-07-99 GsU_01200215
01240048 23-07-99 GsU_01240048
01240049 23-07-99 GsU_01240049
0124004C 23-07-99 GsU_0124004c
0124004D 23-07-99 GsU_0124004d
01240050 23-07-99 GsU_01240050
01240051 23-07-99 GsU_01240051
01240054 23-07-99 GsU_01240054
01240055 23-07-99 GsU_01240055
01240249 23-07-99 GsU_01240249
0124024D 23-07-99 GsU_0124024d
01240251 23-07-99 GsU_01240251
01240255 23-07-99 GsU_01240255
ANIM 23-07-99 GsScanAnim GsLinkAnim
ANIM2 23-07-99 GsSetBetaParam
BEZIER 23-07-99 setBezierCof
BETA 23-07-99 setBetaCof
MIME 23-07-99 GsInitRstVtxMIMe GsInitRstNrmMIMe
00000000 23-07-99 GsU_00000000
00010008 23-07-99 GsU_00010008
00010009 23-07-99 GsU_00010009
0001000C 23-07-99 GsU_0001000c
0001000D 23-07-99 GsU_0001000d
00010010 23-07-99 GsU_00010010
00010011 23-07-99 GsU_00010011
00010014 23-07-99 GsU_00010014
00010015 23-07-99 GsU_00010015
00030008 23-07-99 GsU_00030008
00030009 23-07-99 GsU_00030009
0003000C 23-07-99 GsU_0003000c
0003000D 23-07-99 GsU_0003000d
00030010 23-07-99 GsU_00030010
00030011 23-07-99 GsU_00030011
00030014 23-07-99 GsU_00030014
00030015 23-07-99 GsU_00030015
00050048 23-07-99 GsU_00050048
00050049 23-07-99 GsU_00050049
0005004C 23-07-99 GsU_0005004c
0005004D 23-07-99 GsU_0005004d
00050050 23-07-99 GsU_00050050
00050051 23-07-99 GsU_00050051
00050054 23-07-99 GsU_00050054
00050055 23-07-99 GsU_00050055
02000000 23-07-99 GsU_02000000
02000001 23-07-99 GsU_02000001
03000000 23-07-99 GsU_03000000
03000001 23-07-99 GsU_03000001
03000002 23-07-99 GsU_03000002
03000003 23-07-99 GsU_03000003
03000009 23-07-99 GsU_03000009
0300000A 23-07-99 GsU_0300000a
0300000B 23-07-99 GsU_0300000b
03000100 23-07-99 GsU_03000100
03000901 23-07-99 GsU_03000901
03000902 23-07-99 GsU_03000902
03000909 23-07-99 GsU_03000909
0300090A 23-07-99 GsU_0300090a
03010110 23-07-99 GsU_03010110
03010111 23-07-99 GsU_03010111
03010112 23-07-99 GsU_03010112
03010121 23-07-99 GsU_03010121
03010122 23-07-99 GsU_03010122
03010141 23-07-99 GsU_03010141
03010142 23-07-99 GsU_03010142
03010171 23-07-99 GsU_03010171
03010172 23-07-99 GsU_03010172
03010182 23-07-99 GsU_03010182
03010210 23-07-99 GsU_03010210
03010211 23-07-99 GsU_03010211
03010212 23-07-99 GsU_03010212
03010221 23-07-99 GsU_03010221
03010222 23-07-99 GsU_03010222
03010241 23-07-99 GsU_03010241
03010242 23-07-99 GsU_03010242
03010271 23-07-99 GsU_03010271
03010272 23-07-99 GsU_03010272
03010310 23-07-99 GsU_03010310
03010311 23-07-99 GsU_03010311
03010312 23-07-99 GsU_03010312
03010321 23-07-99 GsU_03010321
03010322 23-07-99 GsU_03010322
03010341 23-07-99 GsU_03010341
03010342 23-07-99 GsU_03010342
03010371 23-07-99 GsU_03010371
03010372 23-07-99 GsU_03010372
04010011 23-07-99 GsU_04010011
04010018 23-07-99 GsU_04010018
04010019 23-07-99 GsU_04010019
04010028 23-07-99 GsU_04010028 GsU_04010029
07000100 23-07-99 GsU_07000100
07010100 23-07-99 GsU_07010100
07020100 23-07-99 GsU_07020100
07030100 23-07-99 GsU_07030100
00080008 23-07-99 GsU_00080008
00080009 23-07-99 GsU_00080009
0008000C 23-07-99 GsU_0008000c
0008000D 23-07-99 GsU_0008000d
00080010 23-07-99 GsU_00080010
00080011 23-07-99 GsU_00080011
00080014 23-07-99 GsU_00080014
00080015 23-07-99 GsU_00080015
000A0008 23-07-99 GsU_000a0008
000A0009 23-07-99 GsU_000a0009
000A000C 23-07-99 GsU_000a000c
000A000D 23-07-99 GsU_000a000d
000A0010 23-07-99 GsU_000a0010
000A0011 23-07-99 GsU_000a0011
000A0014 23-07-99 GsU_000a0014
000A0015 23-07-99 GsU_000a0015
000C0048 23-07-99 GsU_000c0048
000C0049 23-07-99 GsU_000c0049
000C004C 23-07-99 GsU_000c004c
000C004D 23-07-99 GsU_000c004d
000C0050 23-07-99 GsU_000c0050
000C0051 23-07-99 GsU_000c0051
000C0054 23-07-99 GsU_000c0054
000C0055 23-07-99 GsU_000c0055
04010010 23-07-99 GsU_04010010
04010020 23-07-99 GsU_04010020 GsU_04010021
05000000 23-07-99 GsU_05000000
05000001 23-07-99 GsU_05000001
06000100 23-07-99 GsU_06000100
0600100C 23-07-99 GsU_0600100c
06001014 23-07-99 GsU_06001014
0600110C 23-07-99 GsU_0600110c
06001114 23-07-99 GsU_06001114
0600200C 23-07-99 GsU_0600200c
06002014 23-07-99 GsU_06002014
0600300C 23-07-99 GsU_0600300c
06003014 23-07-99 GsU_06003014
0600400C 23-07-99 GsU_0600400c
06004014 23-07-99 GsU_06004014
0600500C 23-07-99 GsU_0600500c
06005014 23-07-99 GsU_06005014
07000200 23-07-99 GsU_07000200
07010200 23-07-99 GsU_07010200
07020200 23-07-99 GsU_07020200
07030200 23-07-99 GsU_07030200
00140048 23-07-99 GsU_00140048
00140049 23-07-99 GsU_00140049
0014004C 23-07-99 GsU_0014004c
0014004D 23-07-99 GsU_0014004d
00140050 23-07-99 GsU_00140050
00140051 23-07-99 GsU_00140051
00140054 23-07-99 GsU_00140054
00140055 23-07-99 GsU_00140055
00140249 23-07-99 GsU_00140249
0014024D 23-07-99 GsU_0014024d
00140251 23-07-99 GsU_00140251
00140255 23-07-99 GsU_00140255
00340048 23-07-99 GsU_00340048
00340049 23-07-99 GsU_00340049
0034004C 23-07-99 GsU_0034004c
0034004D 23-07-99 GsU_0034004d
00340050 23-07-99 GsU_00340050
00340051 23-07-99 GsU_00340051
00340054 23-07-99 GsU_00340054
00340055 23-07-99 GsU_00340055
00340249 23-07-99 GsU_00340249
0034024D 23-07-99 GsU_0034024d
00340251 23-07-99 GsU_00340251
00340255 23-07-99 GsU_00340255
01140048 23-07-99 GsU_01140048
01140049 23-07-99 GsU_01140049
0114004C 23-07-99 GsU_0114004c
0114004D 23-07-99 GsU_0114004d
01140050 23-07-99 GsU_01140050
01140051 23-07-99 GsU_01140051
01140054 23-07-99 GsU_01140054
01140055 23-07-99 GsU_01140055
01140249 23-07-99 GsU_01140249
0114024D 23-07-99 GsU_0114024d
01140251 23-07-99 GsU_01140251
01140255 23-07-99 GsU_01140255
01340048 23-07-99 GsU_01340048
01340049 23-07-99 GsU_01340049
0134004C 23-07-99 GsU_0134004c
0134004D 23-07-99 GsU_0134004d
01340050 23-07-99 GsU_01340050
01340051 23-07-99 GsU_01340051
01340054 23-07-99 GsU_01340054
01340055 23-07-99 GsU_01340055
01340249 23-07-99 GsU_01340249
0134024D 23-07-99 GsU_0134024d
01340251 23-07-99 GsU_01340251
01340255 23-07-99 GsU_01340255
0020000A 23-07-99 GsU_0020000a
0020000B 23-07-99 GsU_0020000b
0020000E 23-07-99 GsU_0020000e
0020000F 23-07-99 GsU_0020000f
00200012 23-07-99 GsU_00200012
00200013 23-07-99 GsU_00200013
00200016 23-07-99 GsU_00200016
00200017 23-07-99 GsU_00200017
0020020B 23-07-99 GsU_0020020b
0020020F 23-07-99 GsU_0020020f
00200213 23-07-99 GsU_00200213
00200217 23-07-99 GsU_00200217
0030000A 23-07-99 GsU_0030000a
0030000B 23-07-99 GsU_0030000b
0030000E 23-07-99 GsU_0030000e
0030000F 23-07-99 GsU_0030000f
00300012 23-07-99 GsU_00300012
00300013 23-07-99 GsU_00300013
00300016 23-07-99 GsU_00300016
00300017 23-07-99 GsU_00300017
0030020B 23-07-99 GsU_0030020b
0030020F 23-07-99 GsU_0030020f
00300213 23-07-99 GsU_00300213
00300217 23-07-99 GsU_00300217
0120000E 23-07-99 GsU_0120000e
0120000F 23-07-99 GsU_0120000f
01200016 23-07-99 GsU_01200016
01200017 23-07-99 GsU_01200017
0120020F 23-07-99 GsU_0120020f
01200217 23-07-99 GsU_01200217
03000010 23-07-99 GsU_03000010
03001010 23-07-99 GsU_03001010
03002010 23-07-99 GsU_03002010
03003010 23-07-99 GsU_03003010
03004010 23-07-99 GsU_03004010
03005010 23-07-99 GsU_03005010
03000011 23-07-99 GsU_03000011
03001011 23-07-99 GsU_03001011
03002011 23-07-99 GsU_03002011
03003011 23-07-99 GsU_03003011
03004011 23-07-99 GsU_03004011
03005011 23-07-99 GsU_03005011
03000012 23-07-99 GsU_03000012
03001012 23-07-99 GsU_03001012
03002012 23-07-99 GsU_03002012
03003012 23-07-99 GsU_03003012
03004012 23-07-99 GsU_03004012
03005012 23-07-99 GsU_03005012
03000013 23-07-99 GsU_03000013
03001013 23-07-99 GsU_03001013
03002013 23-07-99 GsU_03002013
03003013 23-07-99 GsU_03003013
03004013 23-07-99 GsU_03004013
03005013 23-07-99 GsU_03005013
03000019 23-07-99 GsU_03000019
03001019 23-07-99 GsU_03001019
03002019 23-07-99 GsU_03002019
03003019 23-07-99 GsU_03003019
03004019 23-07-99 GsU_03004019
03005019 23-07-99 GsU_03005019
0300001A 23-07-99 GsU_0300001a
0300101A 23-07-99 GsU_0300101a
0300201A 23-07-99 GsU_0300201a
0300301A 23-07-99 GsU_0300301a
0300401A 23-07-99 GsU_0300401a
0300501A 23-07-99 GsU_0300501a
0300001B 23-07-99 GsU_0300001b
0300101B 23-07-99 GsU_0300101b
0300201B 23-07-99 GsU_0300201b
0300301B 23-07-99 GsU_0300301b
0300401B 23-07-99 GsU_0300401b
0300501B 23-07-99 GsU_0300501b
03000020 23-07-99 GsU_03000020
03001020 23-07-99 GsU_03001020
03002020 23-07-99 GsU_03002020
03003020 23-07-99 GsU_03003020
03004020 23-07-99 GsU_03004020
03005020 23-07-99 GsU_03005020
03000021 23-07-99 GsU_03000021
03001021 23-07-99 GsU_03001021
03002021 23-07-99 GsU_03002021
03003021 23-07-99 GsU_03003021
03004021 23-07-99 GsU_03004021
03005021 23-07-99 GsU_03005021
03000022 23-07-99 GsU_03000022
03001022 23-07-99 GsU_03001022
03002022 23-07-99 GsU_03002022
03003022 23-07-99 GsU_03003022
03004022 23-07-99 GsU_03004022
03005022 23-07-99 GsU_03005022
03000023 23-07-99 GsU_03000023
03001023 23-07-99 GsU_03001023
03002023 23-07-99 GsU_03002023
03003023 23-07-99 GsU_03003023
03004023 23-07-99 GsU_03004023
03005023 23-07-99 GsU_03005023
03000029 23-07-99 GsU_03000029
03001029 23-07-99 GsU_03001029
03002029 23-07-99 GsU_03002029
03003029 23-07-99 GsU_03003029
03004029 23-07-99 GsU_03004029
03005029 23-07-99 GsU_03005029
0300002A 23-07-99 GsU_0300002a
0300102A 23-07-99 GsU_0300102a
0300202A 23-07-99 GsU_0300202a
0300302A 23-07-99 GsU_0300302a
0300402A 23-07-99 GsU_0300402a
0300502A 23-07-99 GsU_0300502a
0300002B 23-07-99 GsU_0300002b
0300102B 23-07-99 GsU_0300102b
0300202B 23-07-99 GsU_0300202b
0300302B 23-07-99 GsU_0300302b
0300402B 23-07-99 GsU_0300402b
0300502B 23-07-99 GsU_0300502b
03000030 23-07-99 GsU_03000030
03001030 23-07-99 GsU_03001030
03002030 23-07-99 GsU_03002030
03003030 23-07-99 GsU_03003030
03004030 23-07-99 GsU_03004030
03005030 23-07-99 GsU_03005030
03000031 23-07-99 GsU_03000031
03001031 23-07-99 GsU_03001031
03002031 23-07-99 GsU_03002031
03003031 23-07-99 GsU_03003031
03004031 23-07-99 GsU_03004031
03005031 23-07-99 GsU_03005031
03000032 23-07-99 GsU_03000032
03001032 23-07-99 GsU_03001032
03002032 23-07-99 GsU_03002032
03003032 23-07-99 GsU_03003032
03004032 23-07-99 GsU_03004032
03005032 23-07-99 GsU_03005032
03000033 23-07-99 GsU_03000033
03001033 23-07-99 GsU_03001033
03002033 23-07-99 GsU_03002033
03003033 23-07-99 GsU_03003033
03004033 23-07-99 GsU_03004033
03005033 23-07-99 GsU_03005033
03000039 23-07-99 GsU_03000039
03001039 23-07-99 GsU_03001039
03002039 23-07-99 GsU_03002039
03003039 23-07-99 GsU_03003039
03004039 23-07-99 GsU_03004039
03005039 23-07-99 GsU_03005039
0300003A 23-07-99 GsU_0300003a
0300103A 23-07-99 GsU_0300103a
0300203A 23-07-99 GsU_0300203a
0300303A 23-07-99 GsU_0300303a
0300403A 23-07-99 GsU_0300403a
0300503A 23-07-99 GsU_0300503a
0300003B 23-07-99 GsU_0300003b
0300103B 23-07-99 GsU_0300103b
0300203B 23-07-99 GsU_0300203b
0300303B 23-07-99 GsU_0300303b
0300403B 23-07-99 GsU_0300403b
0300503B 23-07-99 GsU_0300503b
03000111 23-07-99 GsU_03000111
03001111 23-07-99 GsU_03001111
03002111 23-07-99 GsU_03002111
03003111 23-07-99 GsU_03003111
03004111 23-07-99 GsU_03004111
03005111 23-07-99 GsU_03005111
03000112 23-07-99 GsU_03000112
03001112 23-07-99 GsU_03001112
03002112 23-07-99 GsU_03002112
03003112 23-07-99 GsU_03003112
03004112 23-07-99 GsU_03004112
03005112 23-07-99 GsU_03005112
03000119 23-07-99 GsU_03000119
03001119 23-07-99 GsU_03001119
03002119 23-07-99 GsU_03002119
03003119 23-07-99 GsU_03003119
03004119 23-07-99 GsU_03004119
03005119 23-07-99 GsU_03005119
0300011A 23-07-99 GsU_0300011a
0300111A 23-07-99 GsU_0300111a
0300211A 23-07-99 GsU_0300211a
0300311A 23-07-99 GsU_0300311a
0300411A 23-07-99 GsU_0300411a
0300511A 23-07-99 GsU_0300511a
03000910 23-07-99 GsU_03000910
03001910 23-07-99 GsU_03001910
03002910 23-07-99 GsU_03002910
03003910 23-07-99 GsU_03003910
03004910 23-07-99 GsU_03004910
03005910 23-07-99 GsU_03005910
03000911 23-07-99 GsU_03000911
03001911 23-07-99 GsU_03001911
03002911 23-07-99 GsU_03002911
03003911 23-07-99 GsU_03003911
03004911 23-07-99 GsU_03004911
03005911 23-07-99 GsU_03005911
03000912 23-07-99 GsU_03000912
03001912 23-07-99 GsU_03001912
03002912 23-07-99 GsU_03002912
03003912 23-07-99 GsU_03003912
03004912 23-07-99 GsU_03004912
03005912 23-07-99 GsU_03005912
03000919 23-07-99 GsU_03000919
03001919 23-07-99 GsU_03001919
03002919 23-07-99 GsU_03002919
03003919 23-07-99 GsU_03003919
03004919 23-07-99 GsU_03004919
03005919 23-07-99 GsU_03005919
0300091A 23-07-99 GsU_0300091a
0300191A 23-07-99 GsU_0300191a
0300291A 23-07-99 GsU_0300291a
0300391A 23-07-99 GsU_0300391a
0300491A 23-07-99 GsU_0300491a
0300591A 23-07-99 GsU_0300591a
MIME_S 23-07-99 GsVNMIMeFunc GsRestoreOrgsVNMIMe
SCANUNIT 23-07-99 GsScanUnit GsGetHeadpUnit
SORTUNIT 23-07-99 GsSortUnit
MAPUNIT 23-07-99 GsMapUnit *USTACK
CMAPUNIT 23-07-99 GsMapCoordUnit
LWUNIT 23-07-99 GsGetLwUnit
LSUNIT 23-07-99 GsGetLsUnit
LWSUNIT 23-07-99 GsGetLwsUnit
VWUNIT 23-07-99 GsSetViewUnit
RVWUNIT 23-07-99 GsSetRefViewUnit
RVWLUNIT 23-07-99 GsSetRefViewLUnit


Basic Maths library that supports floating point operations.

Module Date Externals defined
ADDDF3 23-07-99 __adddf3
ADDMANT 23-07-99 _add_mant_d
ADDSF3 23-07-99 __addsf3
DBSHIFT 23-07-99 _dbl_shift
DBSHIFTU 23-07-99 _dbl_shift_us
DIVDF3 23-07-99 __divdf3 _comp_mant
DIVSF3 23-07-99 __divsf3
EQDF2 23-07-99 __eqdf2
EQSF2 23-07-99 __eqsf2
EXTSFDF2 23-07-99 __extendsfdf2
FIXDFSI 23-07-99 __fixdfsi
FIXSFSI 23-07-99 __fixsfsi
FIXUDFSI 23-07-99 __fixunsdfsi
FIXUSFSI 23-07-99 __fixunssfsi
FLTSIDF 23-07-99 __floatsidf
FLTSISF 23-07-99 __floatsisf
GEDF2 23-07-99 __gedf2
GESF2 23-07-99 __gesf2
GTDF2 23-07-99 __gtdf2
GTSF2 23-07-99 __gtsf2
LEDF2 23-07-99 __ledf2
LESF2 23-07-99 __lesf2
LTDF2 23-07-99 __ltdf2
LTSF2 23-07-99 __ltsf2
MAINASU 23-07-99 _mainasu
MULDF3 23-07-99 __muldf3 _mul_mant_d
MULSF3 23-07-99 __mulsf3
NEDF2 23-07-99 __nedf2
NEGDF2 23-07-99 __negdf2
NEGSF2 23-07-99 __negsf2
NESF2 23-07-99 __nesf2
SUBDF3 23-07-99 __subdf3
SUBSF3 23-07-99 __subsf3
TRUDFSF2 23-07-99 __truncdfsf2
FERR 23-07-99 math_errno math_err_point _err_math
ARC00 23-07-99 atan
ARC01 23-07-99 atan2
ARC02 23-07-99 asin
ARC03 23-07-99 acos
EXP 23-07-99 exp
FLOOR00 23-07-99 floor
FLOOR01 23-07-99 ceil
HYPOT 23-07-99 hypot
LDEXP00 23-07-99 ldexp
LDEXP01 23-07-99 frexp
LOG00 23-07-99 log
LOG01 23-07-99 log10
MODF00 23-07-99 modf
MODF01 23-07-99 fmod
POW 23-07-99 pow
SIN00 23-07-99 tan sin
SIN01 23-07-99 cos
SINH00 23-07-99 sinh
SINH01 23-07-99 cosh
SINH02 23-07-99 tanh
SQRT 23-07-99 sqrt
PRINTF2 23-07-99 printf2 sprintf2
STRTOD00 23-07-99 atof
STRTOD01 23-07-99 strtod

LIBMCRD (Extended Memory card)

Higher level library for using the playstation memory cards, higherlevel than libcard.

Module Date Externals defined
INIT 23-07-99 MemCardInit MemCardEnd
LIBMCRD 23-07-99 PushCallbackFunc MemCardCallback PullCallbackFunc McrdGetGlobalStructure MemCardStart MemCardStop MemCardExist MemCardAccept MemCardOpen MemCardSync MemCardClose MemCardReadData MemCardWriteData MemCardReadFile MemCardWriteFile MemCardGetDirentry MemCardCreateFile MemCardFormat
USERFUNC 23-07-99 UserFuncInit UserFuncOpen UserFuncExecute UserFuncComplete
BIOS 23-07-99 funcEvSpIOE funcEvSpError funcEvSpTimeout funcEvSpNewcard funcEvSpIOEx funcEvSpErrorx funcEvSpTimeoutx funcEvSpNewcardx _card_open _card_start _clr_card_event _card_close _card_stop _get_card_event _get_card_event_x _chk_card_event _chk_card_event_x
LOW 23-07-99 _card_format2 _card_create2
DELETE 23-07-99 MemCardDeleteFile
UNFORMAT 23-07-99 MemCardUnformat

LIBMCX - PocketStation

Provides functions to control the PocketStation (a playstation memory card with a screen that can run ARM code) (reffered to as PDA in the official developer documentation.

Module Date Externals defined
MCXCMD1 23-07-99 McxGetApl
MCXCMD2 23-07-99 McxExecApl
MCXCMD3 23-07-99 _mcxRxRestLen
MCXCMD4 23-07-99 McxGetTime
MCXCMD5 23-07-99 McxGetMem
MCXCMD6 23-07-99 _mcxTxGetMem _mcxRxGetMem
MCXCMD7 23-07-99 McxSetMem
MCXCMD8 23-07-99 _mcxTxSetMem _mcxRxSetMem
MCXCMD9 23-07-99 McxReadDev
MCXCMD10 23-07-99 _mcxTxReadDev _mcxRxReadDev
MCXCMD11 23-07-99 McxWriteDev
MCXCMD12 23-07-99 _mcxTxWriteDev _mcxRxWriteDev
MCXCMD13 23-07-99 McxSetTime
MCXCMD14 23-07-99 McxGetUIFS
MCXCMD15 23-07-99 McxSetUIFS
MCXCMD16 23-07-99 McxShowTrans
MCXCMD17 23-07-99 _mcxTxSetTrans
MCXCMD18 23-07-99 McxHideTrans
MCXCMD19 23-07-99 McxCurrCtrl
MCXCMD20 23-07-99 McxFlashAcs
MCXCMD21 23-07-99 McxGetSerial
MCXCMD22 23-07-99 McxSetLED
MCXCMD23 23-07-99 McxCardType McxGetMcxInfo
MCXCMD24 23-07-99 McxAllInfo
MCXCMD25 23-07-99 McxExecFlag
MCXCMD26 23-07-99 McxGetInfo
MCXCMD27 23-07-99 chkMemArea
MCXRESI 23-07-99 _mcxTblCardEnt _mcxTblDsrEnt _mcxStat _mcxCmdSeq _mcxPort _mcxPass _mcxUIFSretry _mcxTxLen _mcxRxLen *_mcxFuncNo _mcxChkRsrv *_mcxRestSize _mcxStepSio *_mcxTxBuf *_mcxFuncGetTx *_mcxRxBuf *_mcxFuncApplyRx *_mcxDataLen *_mcxPtrBuff *_mcxSum *_mcxPtrCmdBuf0 *_mcxPtrCmdBuf1 *_mcxParam *_mcxFlag
MCXINIT 23-07-99 McxStartCom McxStopCom
MCXMAIN 23-07-99 _mcxDsrEntry _mcxInitSioMode _mcxSetRC2wait _mcxChkRC2wait _mcxSioRW McxSync
MCXDSR 23-07-99 _mcxStartFastDsr _mcxStopFastDsr _mcxFastDsrEnt _mcxIntRestSize _mcxCallFromC _mcxVecDsr _mcxVecSave


The LIBPAD.LIB library is used to interface with the game pads (controllers), including Dual shock controllers.

Module Date Externals defined
PDCMD1 23-07-99 PadSetAct
PDCMD2 23-07-99 PadSetActAlign
PDCMD3 23-07-99 PadSetMainMode
PDENT1 23-07-99 PadChkMtap
PDENT2 23-07-99 PadGetState
PDENT3 23-07-99 PadInfoMode
PDENT4 23-07-99 PadInfoAct
PDENT5 23-07-99 PadInfoComb
PDGUNRES 23-07-99 _padGunResultPtr _padGunHitCntPtr _padGunEnalePort _padGunMachType oldVcount _padSetIntH2000 _padGetGunPos *_padGunPosRecv _padSetGunPort *_padGunSavePadPtr *_padGunSaveTxBuf *_padGunSaveTxLen
PDGN1INI 23-07-99 PadInitGun
PDGN2INI 23-07-99 PadEnableGun
PDGUN 23-07-99 PadRemoveGun
PDMAIINI 23-07-99 PadStartCom PadStopCom
PDMAIN1 23-07-99 PadEnableCom
PDMAIN2 23-07-99 PadChkVsync
PDDIRINI 23-07-99 PadInitDirect
PDTAPINI 23-07-99 PadInitMtap
PDDIRRES 23-07-99 _padInitDirPort _dirFailAuto
PDTAPRES 23-07-99 _mtapLastResult _padInitMtapPort _mtapFailAuto
PDRESRES 23-07-99 _padFuncNextPort _padFuncClrInfo _padFuncGetTxd _padFuncCurrLimit _padFuncPtr2Port _padFuncPort2Info _padFuncSendAuto _padFuncChkEng _padFuncRecvAuto _padFuncClrCmdNo _padFuncIntGun _padFuncSetGunPort _padFuncGetGunPos _padInfoDir _padIntExec _padGunExec _padSioChan _padSioState _padTotalCurr _padModeMtap _padChanStart _padChanStop _padFixResult _padVsyncParam _padIntPad _padIsVsync _padCalledIntPad *_padRestPeriod _padInitSioMode _padSetRC2wait _padChkRC2wait _padClrIntSio0 _padWaitRXready _padSioRW _padSioRW2 _padSetCmd _padSendAtLoadInfo _padRecvAtLoadInfo _padGetActSize _padLoadActInfo _padCmdParaMode
PDHOKRES 23-07-99 *_padGunPosHbuf *_padGunPosVbuf _padGunInitHook _padGunExitHook _padGetHitCount _padClrHitCount


LIBPress is a compression library that can compress and decompress sound and image data using a few different compression algorithms such as DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), BVQ (Block Vector Quantization) and Huffman Encoding.

Module Date Externals defined
LIBPRESS 23-07-99 DecDCTReset DecDCTGetEnv DecDCTPutEnv DecDCTin DecDCTout DecDCTinSync DecDCToutSync DecDCTinCallback DecDCToutCallback
VLC 23-07-99 DecDCTvlcSize DecDCTvlc
VLC_C 23-07-99 DecDCTvlcSize2 DecDCTvlc2
BUILD 23-07-99 DecDCTvlcBuild
ENCSPU 23-07-99 EncSPU
ENCSPU2 23-07-99 EncSPU2
DCT002 23-07-99 DecDCTBufSize
TBL_001 23-07-99 DCL_DVLC
TBL_002 23-07-99 DCC_DVLC


LibSIO is a standard input output library for development kits to connect to and from PC,so you can write out debugging information to the PC.

Module Date Externals defined
SIOHANDL 23-07-99 *siobuf _sio_driver siocons DelSIO AddSIO
LIBSIO 23-07-99 _cdevinput _cdevscan _circgetc _ioabort add_nullcon_driver
SIO 23-07-99 _sio_control *cntl *mode *baud
SIOCB 23-07-99 Sio1Callback


LibSN (Sn systems reference?) is a very low-level library for managing the stack pointer (SP along with access to the PC). It is used along with 2MByte and 8MByte.obj files.

Module Date Externals defined
OPEN 20-09-95 PCopen
CLOSE 20-09-95 PCclose
LSEEK 20-09-95 PClseek
CREAT 20-09-95 PCcreat
SNREAD 20-09-95 _SN_read
SNMAIN 20-09-95 __bss __heapsize __SN_ENTRY_POINT __bsslen __data __main __text __datalen __textlen __do_global_dtors __heapbase
FSINIT 20-09-95 PCinit
SNWRITE 20-09-95 _SN_write
READ 20-09-95 PCread
WRITE 20-09-95 PCwrite
SNDEF 20-09-95 _stacksize _ramsize
PUREV 20-09-95 __pure_virtual
CACHE 20-09-95 SNFlushCache
_ASHLDI3 20-09-95 __ashldi3
_ASHRDI3 20-09-95 __ashrdi3
_CMPDI2 20-09-95 __cmpdi2
_DIVDI3 20-09-95 __divdi3
_EH 20-09-95 __throw_type_match __register_exceptions __find_first_exception_table_match
_FFSDI2 20-09-95 __ffsdi2
_FXDFDI 20-09-95 __fixdfdi
_FXSFDI 20-09-95 __fixsfdi
_FXTFDI 20-09-95  
_FXUSDFD 20-09-95 __fixunsdfdi
_FIXUSDF 20-09-95 __fixunsdfsi
_FXUSSFD 20-09-95 __fixunssfdi
_FXUSSFS 20-09-95 __fixunssfsi
_FXUSTFD 20-09-95  
_FXUSXFD 20-09-95  
_FXUSXFS 20-09-95  
_FXXFDI 20-09-95  
_FLTDIDF 20-09-95 __floatdidf
_FLTDISF 20-09-95 __floatdisf
_FLTDITF 20-09-95  
_FLTDIXF 20-09-95  
_LSHLDI3 20-09-95 __lshldi3
_LSHRDI3 20-09-95 __lshrdi3
_MODDI3 20-09-95 __moddi3
_MULDI3 20-09-95 __muldi3
_NEGDI2 20-09-95 __negdi2
_NEW_HAN 20-09-95 set_new_handler __new_handler __default_new_handler
_OP_DELE 20-09-95 __builtin_delete
_OP_NEW 20-09-95 __builtin_new
_OP_VDEL 20-09-95 __builtin_vec_delete
_OP_VNEW 20-09-95 __builtin_vec_new
_SHTAB 20-09-95 __shtab
_TRAMPOL 20-09-95  
_UCMPDI2 20-09-95 __ucmpdi2
_UDIVDI3 20-09-95 __udivdi3
_UDIVMOD 20-09-95 __udivmoddi4
UDIV_W 20-09-95 __udiv_w_sdiv
_UMODDI3 20-09-95 __umoddi3
_VARARGS 20-09-95 __builtin_saveregs
__GCC_BC 20-09-95 __gcc_bcmp


LibSND is the extended sound library that is at a higher level than the basic libspu, it can play VAB and SEQ audio files, along with a variety of different sound effects.

Module Date Externals defined
CCADSR 23-07-99 _SsUtResolveADSR _SsUtBuildADSR
CC_0 23-07-99 _SsContBankChange
CC_6 23-07-99 _SsContDataEntry
CC_7 23-07-99 _SsContMainVol
CC_10 23-07-99 _SsContPanpot
CC_11 23-07-99 _SsContExpression
CC_64 23-07-99 _SsContDamper
CC_91 23-07-99 _SsContExternal
CC_98 23-07-99 _SsContNrpn1
CC_99 23-07-99 _SsContNrpn2
CC_100 23-07-99 _SsContRpn1
CC_101 23-07-99 _SsContRpn2
CC_121 23-07-99 _SsContResetAll
DE_0 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr0
DE_1 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr1
DE_2 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr2
DE_3 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr3
DE_4 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr4
DE_5 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr5
DE_6 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr6
DE_7 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr7
DE_8 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr8
DE_9 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr9
DE_10 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr10
DE_11 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr11
DE_12 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr12
DE_13 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr13
DE_14 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr14
DE_15 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr15
DE_16 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr16
DE_17 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr17
DE_18 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr18
DE_19 23-07-99 _SsSetNrpnVabAttr19
CRES 23-07-99 _SsSndCrescendo
DECRES 23-07-99  
MIDIBEND 23-07-99 _SsSetPitchBend
MIDICC 23-07-99 _SsSetControlChange
MIDIMETA 23-07-99 _SsGetMetaEvent
MIDINOTE 23-07-99 _SsNoteOn
MIDIPROG 23-07-99 _SsSetProgramChange
MIDIREAD 23-07-99 _SsSeqPlay _SsGetSeqData _SsSeqGetEof
MIDITIME 23-07-99 _SsReadDeltaValue
NEXT 23-07-99 _SsSndNextSep
NPAUSE 23-07-99 _SsSndNextPause
PAUSE 23-07-99 _SsSndPause
PLAY 23-07-99 _SsSndPlay
REPLAY 23-07-99 _SsSndReplay
SEPINIT 23-07-99 _SsInitSoundSep
SEQINIT 23-07-99 _SsInitSoundSeq
SSACCELE 23-07-99 _SsSndSetAccele SsSeqSetAccelerando SsSepSetAccelerando
SSCALL 23-07-99 SsSeqCalledTbyT
SSCLOSE 23-07-99 SsSeqClose SsSepClose
SSCMUTE 23-07-99 SsChannelMute
SSGCMUTE 23-07-99 SsGetChannelMute
SSCRES 23-07-99 _SsSndSetCres SsSeqSetCrescendo SsSepSetCrescendo
SSDECRES 23-07-99 _SsSndSetDecres SsSeqSetDecrescendo SsSepSetDecrescendo
SSEND 23-07-99 SsEnd
SSGM 23-07-99 SsGetMute
SSGMV 23-07-99 SsGetMVol
SSGNC 23-07-99 SsGetNck
SSGRV 23-07-99 SsGetRVol
SSGSATTR 23-07-99 SsGetSerialAttr
SSGSV 23-07-99 SsGetSerialVol
SSINIT 23-07-99 _snd_vmask _SsInit *_SsMarkCallback *VBLANK_MINUS *_snd_openflag *_snd_ev_flag *SsFCALL *_ss_score *_snd_seq_s_max *_snd_seq_t_max
SSINIT_C 23-07-99 SsInit
SSINIT_H 23-07-99 SsInitHot
SSLOOP 23-07-99 SsSetLoop
SSISEOS 23-07-99 SsIsEos
SSMARK 23-07-99 SsSetMarkCallback
SSNEXT 23-07-99 SsSetNext
SSNEXT_2 23-07-99 SsSeqSetNext
SSNOFF 23-07-99 SsSetNoiseOff
SSNON 23-07-99 SsSetNoiseOn
SSOPENP 23-07-99 SsSepOpen
SSOPENQ 23-07-99 SsSeqOpen
SSOPENPJ 23-07-99 SsSepOpenJ
SSOPENQJ 23-07-99 SsSeqOpenJ
SSPAUSE 23-07-99 _SsSndSetPauseMode SsSeqPause SsSepPause
SSPLAY 23-07-99 SsSeqPlay
SSPLAY_2 23-07-99 SsSepPlay
SSPLAYB 23-07-99 SsPlayBack
SSQUIT 23-07-99 SsQuit
SSREPLAY 23-07-99 _SsSndSetReplayMode SsSeqReplay SsSepReplay
PLAYMODE 23-07-99 Snd_SetPlayMode
SSRIT 23-07-99 _SsSndSetRit SsSeqSetRitardando SsSepSetRitardando
SSP 23-07-99 SsSeqSkip
SSSP 23-07-99 SsSetCurrentPoint
SSPPTP 23-07-99 SsSeqPlayPtoP
SSSATTR 23-07-99 SsSetSerialAttr
SSSM 23-07-99 SsSetMute
SSSMV 23-07-99 SsSetMVol
SSSNC 23-07-99 SsSetNck
SSSRV 23-07-99 SsSetRVol
SSSTART 23-07-99 _snd_seq_tick_env SsStart SsStart2
SSSTOP 23-07-99 _SsSndStop SsSeqStop SsSepStop
SSSV 23-07-99 SsSetSerialVol
SSTABLE 23-07-99 SsSetTableSize
SSTEMPO 23-07-99 SsSetTempo
SSTICK 23-07-99 SsSetTickMode
SSTICKCB 23-07-99 SsSetTickCallback
SSVKOFF 23-07-99 SsVoKeyOff
SSVKON 23-07-99 SsVoKeyOn
SSVOL 23-07-99 _SsSndSetVol SsSeqSetVol SsSepSetVol
SSVOL_2 23-07-99 SsSeqGetVol
TEMPO 23-07-99 _SsSndTempo
VOL 23-07-99 _SsSndSetVolData
DMYNOT1 23-07-99 dmy_nothing1
DMYNOTE 23-07-99 dmy_SsNoteOn
DMYPROG 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetProgramChange
DMYMETA 23-07-99 dmy_SsGetMetaEvent
DMYBEND 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetPitchBend
DMYCC 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetControlChange
DMYCC_0 23-07-99 dmy_SsContBankChange
DMYCC_6 23-07-99 dmy_SsContDataEntry
DMYCC_7 23-07-99 dmy_SsContMainVol
DMYCC_10 23-07-99 dmy_SsContPanpot
DMYCC_11 23-07-99 dmy_SsContExpression
DMYCC_64 23-07-99 dmy_SsContDamper
DMYCC_91 23-07-99 dmy_SsContExternal
DMYCC_98 23-07-99 dmy_SsContNrpn1
DMYCC_99 23-07-99 dmy_SsContNrpn2
DMYCC100 23-07-99 dmy_SsContRpn1
DMYCC101 23-07-99 dmy_SsContRpn2
DMYCC121 23-07-99 dmy_SsContResetAll
DMYDE_0 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr0
DMYDE_1 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr1
DMYDE_2 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr2
DMYDE_3 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr3
DMYDE_4 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr4
DMYDE_5 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr5
DMYDE_6 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr6
DMYDE_7 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr7
DMYDE_8 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr8
DMYDE_9 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr9
DMYDE_10 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr10
DMYDE_11 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr11
DMYDE_12 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr12
DMYDE_13 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr13
DMYDE_14 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr14
DMYDE_15 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr15
DMYDE_16 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr16
DMYDE_17 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr17
DMYDE_18 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr18
DMYDE_19 23-07-99 dmy_SsSetNrpnVabAttr19
SSGCP 23-07-99 SsGetCurrentPoint
SSVM 23-07-99 SsSetVoiceMask
SSVM_2 23-07-99 SsGetVoiceMask
UT_AKO 23-07-99 SsUtAllKeyOff
UT_AUTOP 23-07-99 SsUtAutoPan
UT_AUTOV 23-07-99 SsUtAutoVol
UT_CADSR 23-07-99 SsUtChangeADSR
UT_CP 23-07-99 SsUtChangePitch
UT_F 23-07-99 SsUtFlush
UT_GPA 23-07-99 SsUtGetProgAtr
UT_GVA 23-07-99 SsUtGetVagAtr
UT_GVAD 23-07-99 SsUtGetVagAddr
UT_GVAFT 23-07-99 SsUtGetVagAddrFromTone
UT_GVBA 23-07-99 SsUtGetVBaddrInSB
UT_GVH 23-07-99 SsUtGetVabHdr
UT_KEY 23-07-99 SsUtKeyOn SsUtKeyOff
UT_KEYV 23-07-99 SsUtKeyOnV SsUtKeyOffV
UT_PB 23-07-99 SsUtPitchBend
UT_RDEL 23-07-99 SsUtSetReverbDelay
UT_RDEP 23-07-99 SsUtSetReverbDepth
UT_REV 23-07-99 SsUtSetReverbType
UT_REV_2 23-07-99 SsUtGetReverbType
UT_RFB 23-07-99 SsUtSetReverbFeedback
UT_ROFF 23-07-99 SsUtReverbOff
UT_RON 23-07-99 SsUtReverbOn
UT_SPA 23-07-99 SsUtSetProgAtr
UT_SVA 23-07-99 SsUtSetVagAtr
UT_SVH 23-07-99 SsUtSetVabHdr
UT_VVOL 23-07-99 SsUtGetDetVVol
UT_VVOL2 23-07-99 SsUtSetDetVVol
UT_VVOL3 23-07-99 SsUtGetVVol
UT_VVOL4 23-07-99 SsUtSetVVol
VM_ALOC1 23-07-99 _SsVmAlloc
VM_ALOC2 23-07-99 _SsVmDoAllocate
VM_AUTOP 23-07-99 SeAutoPan SetAutoPan
VM_AUTOV 23-07-99 SeAutoVol SetAutoVol
VM_DOFF 23-07-99 _SsVmDamperOff
VM_DON 23-07-99 _SsVmDamperOn
VM_F 23-07-99 _SsVmFlush *_svm_envx_ptr *_svm_envx_hist *_svm_voice *_svm_okof1 *_svm_okon1 *_svm_okof2 *_svm_okon2 *_autovol *_autopan *_svm_sreg_dirty *_svm_sreg_buf *_svm_orev2 *_svm_orev1 *_svm_onos2 *_svm_onos1
VM_G 23-07-99 *_svm_stereo_mono *_svm_vab_not_send_size *_svm_rattr *_svm_vab_used *_SsVmMaxVoice *_svm_vab_count *kMaxPrograms *_svm_cur *_svm_damper *_svm_auto_kof_mode *_svm_vab_vh *_svm_vab_pg *_svm_vab_tn *_svm_vab_start *_svm_vab_total *_svm_vh *_svm_pg *_svm_tn *_svm_vg
VM_INIT 23-07-99 _SsVmInit
VM_KEY 23-07-99 _SsVmKeyOn _SsVmKeyOff _SsVmSeKeyOn _SsVmSeKeyOff
VM_KEY_2 23-07-99 KeyOnCheck
VM_N2P 23-07-99 note2pitch SsPitchFromNote note2pitch2
VM_NO1 23-07-99 vmNoiseOn
VM_NO2 23-07-99 vmNoiseOn2
VM_NOFF 23-07-99 vmNoiseOff
VM_NOISE 23-07-99 _SsVmNoiseOnWithAdsr _SsVmNoiseOn
VM_NOIS2 23-07-99 _SsVmNoiseOff
VM_NOWOF 23-07-99 _SsVmKeyOffNow
VM_NOWON 23-07-99 _SsVmKeyOnNow
VM_PB 23-07-99 _SsVmPBVoice _SsVmPitchBend
VM_PORTA 23-07-99  
VM_PROG 23-07-99 _SsVmGetProgVol _SsVmSetProgPan _SsVmGetProgPan
VM_PROG2 23-07-99 _SsVmSetProgVol
VM_SEQ 23-07-99 _SsVmSetSeqVol _SsVmGetSeqVol _SsVmSeqKeyOff
VM_SEQ_2 23-07-99 _SsVmGetSeqLVol _SsVmGetSeqRVol
VM_SPB 23-07-99 SePitchBend
VM_STAV 23-07-99 _SsVmSelectToneAndVag
VM_VIB 23-07-99 SeVibOn SetVib SsUtVibrateOn SsUtVibrateOff
VM_VOL 23-07-99 _SsVmSetVol
VM_VSU 23-07-99 _SsVmVSetUp
VS_AUTO 23-07-99 SsSetAutoKeyOffMode
VS_MONO 23-07-99 SsSetMono SsSetStereo
VS_SRV 23-07-99 SsSetReservedVoice
VS_VAB 23-07-99 SsVabClose
VS_VFB 23-07-99 SsVabFakeBody
VS_VH 23-07-99 SsVabOpenHeadSticky _SsVabOpenHeadWithMode SsVabFakeHead
VS_VH2 23-07-99 SsVabOpenHead
VS_VT 23-07-99 SsVabTransfer
VS_VTB 23-07-99 SsVabTransBody
VS_VTBP 23-07-99 SsVabTransBodyPartly
VS_VTC 23-07-99 SsVabTransCompleted
VM_ALOC3 23-07-99 SsBlockVoiceAllocation
VM_ALOC4 23-07-99 SsUnBlockVoiceAllocation
VM_ALOC5 23-07-99 SsAllocateVoices
Q_KEYON 23-07-99 SsQueueKeyOn
Q_KEYON2 23-07-99 SsQueueReverb
Q_KEYON3 23-07-99 SsQueueRegisters
Q_KEYON4 23-07-99 SsGetActualProgFromProg
Q_KEYON5 23-07-99 SsSetVoiceSettings
Q_KEYON6 23-07-99 SsVoiceCheck


The basic sound library for contacting the Sound processing Unit (SPU).

Module Date Externals defined
SPU 23-07-99 spu_RXX _spu_tsa _spu_transMode _spu_addrMode _spu_mem_mode _spu_mem_mode_plus _spu_mem_mode_unit _spu_mem_mode_unitM _spu_inTransfer _spu_transferCallback _spu_IRQCallback _spu_init _spu_Fw1ts *_spu_RQ _spu_FiDMA _spu_Fr _spu_t _spu_Fw _spu_Fr _spu_FsetRXX _spu_FsetRXXa _spu_FgetRXXa _spu_FsetPCR
S_CB 23-07-99 _SpuCallback
S_DCB 23-07-99 _SpuDataCallback
SPU_GEX 23-07-99  
S_INI 23-07-99 _spu_EVdma _spu_keystat _spu_trans_mode _spu_rev_flag _spu_rev_reserve_wa _spu_rev_offsetaddr _spu_rev_attr _spu_RQvoice _spu_RQmask _spu_voice_centerNote _spu_env _SpuInit SpuStart _spu_isCalled
S_I 23-07-99 SpuInit
S_IH 23-07-99 SpuInitHot
S_Q 23-07-99 SpuQuit
S_SM 23-07-99 SpuSetMute
S_GM 23-07-99 SpuGetMute
S_M 23-07-99 _spu_AllocBlockNum _spu_AllocLastNum _spu_memList
S_M_INT 23-07-99 _spu_gcSPU
S_M_INIT 23-07-99 SpuInitMalloc
S_M_UTIL 23-07-99 SpuIsInAllocateArea _SpuIsInAllocateArea
S_M_M 23-07-99 SpuMalloc
S_M_WSA 23-07-99 SpuMallocWithStartAddr
S_M_F 23-07-99 SpuFree
S_M_X 23-07-99 _spu_print
S_SE 23-07-99 SpuSetEnv
S_F 23-07-99 SpuFlush
ZEROBUF 23-07-99 _spu_zerobuf
S_SAV 23-07-99 _SpuSetAnyVoice
S_GAV 23-07-99 _SpuGetAnyVoice
S_SNV 23-07-99 SpuSetNoiseVoice
S_GNV 23-07-99 SpuGetNoiseVoice
S_SNC 23-07-99 SpuSetNoiseClock
S_GNC 23-07-99 SpuGetNoiseClock
S_SR 23-07-99 SpuSetReverb
S_GR 23-07-99 SpuGetReverb
S_SRMP 23-07-99 SpuSetReverbModeParam
S_GRMP 23-07-99 SpuGetReverbModeParam
S_SRA 23-07-99 _spu_setReverbAttr
S_RRWA 23-07-99 SpuReserveReverbWorkArea
S_IRWAR 23-07-99 SpuIsReverbWorkAreaReserved
S_SRD 23-07-99 SpuSetReverbDepth
S_SRV 23-07-99 SpuSetReverbVoice
S_GRV 23-07-99 SpuGetReverbVoice
S_CRWA 23-07-99 SpuClearReverbWorkArea
S_RDD 23-07-99 SpuReadDecodedData
S_SI 23-07-99 SpuSetIRQ
S_GI 23-07-99 SpuGetIRQ
S_SIA 23-07-99 SpuSetIRQAddr
S_GIA 23-07-99 SpuGetIRQAddr
S_SIC 23-07-99 SpuSetIRQCallback
S_SK 23-07-99 SpuSetKey
S_GKS 23-07-99 SpuGetKeyStatus
S_SKOWA 23-07-99 SpuSetKeyOnWithAttr
S_GVEA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceEnvelopeAttr
S_R 23-07-99 SpuRead
S_W 23-07-99 SpuWrite
S_W0 23-07-99 SpuWrite0
S_STSA 23-07-99 SpuSetTransferStartAddr
S_GTSA 23-07-99 SpuGetTransferStartAddr
S_STM 23-07-99 SpuSetTransferMode
S_GTM 23-07-99 SpuGetTransferMode
S_WP 23-07-99 SpuWritePartly
S_ITC 23-07-99 SpuIsTransferCompleted
S_STC 23-07-99 SpuSetTransferCallback
S_IT 23-07-99 _spu_setInTransfer _spu_getInTransfer
S_SPLV 23-07-99 SpuSetPitchLFOVoice
S_GPLV 23-07-99 SpuGetPitchLFOVoice
S_GCA 23-07-99 SpuGetCommonAttr
S_N2P 23-07-99 _spu_note2pitch _spu_pitch2note
SR_GAKS 23-07-99 SpuRGetAllKeysStatus SpuGetAllKeysStatus
ST 23-07-99 SpuStTransfer SpuStInit SpuStQuit SpuStGetStatus SpuStGetVoiceStatus SpuStSetPreparationFinishedCallback SpuStSetTransferFinishedCallback SpuStSetStreamFinishedCallback
T_C 23-07-99 TimerCallback
VERSION 23-07-99  
S_SESA 23-07-99 SpuSetESA
S_SVV 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceVolume
S_SVVA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceVolumeAttr
S_SVP 23-07-99 SpuSetVoicePitch
S_SVN 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceNote
S_SVSN 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceSampleNote
S_SVSA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceStartAddr
S_SVLSA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceLoopStartAddr
S_SVAR 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceAR
S_SVDR 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceDR
S_SVSR 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceSR
S_SVRR 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceRR
S_SVSL 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceSL
S_SVARA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceARAttr
S_SVSRA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceSRAttr
S_SVRRA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceRRAttr
S_SVAD 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceADSR
S_SVADA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceADSRAttr
S_SVA 23-07-99 SpuSetVoiceAttr
SR_SVA 23-07-99 SpuRSetVoiceAttr
SN_SVA 23-07-99 SpuNSetVoiceAttr
SL_SVA 23-07-99 SpuLSetVoiceAttr
S_GVV 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceVolume
S_GVVA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceVolumeAttr
S_GVVX 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceVolumeX
S_GVP 23-07-99 SpuGetVoicePitch
S_GVN 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceNote
S_GVSN 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceSampleNote
S_GVEX 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceEnvelope
S_GVSA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceStartAddr
S_GVLSA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceLoopStartAddr
S_GVAR 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceAR
S_GVDR 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceDR
S_GVSR 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceSR
S_GVRR 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceRR
S_GVSL 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceSL
S_GVARA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceARAttr
S_GVSRA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceSRAttr
S_GVRRA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceRRAttr
S_GVAD 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceADSR
S_GVADA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceADSRAttr
S_SCMV 23-07-99 SpuSetCommonMasterVolume
S_SCMVA 23-07-99 SpuSetCommonMasterVolumeAttr
S_SCCV 23-07-99 SpuSetCommonCDVolume
S_SCCR 23-07-99 SpuSetCommonCDReverb
S_SCCM 23-07-99 SpuSetCommonCDMix
S_GCMV 23-07-99 SpuGetCommonMasterVolume
S_GCMVX 23-07-99 SpuGetCommonMasterVolumeX
S_GCMVA 23-07-99 SpuGetCommonMasterVolumeAttr
S_GCCV 23-07-99 SpuGetCommonCDVolume
S_GCCR 23-07-99 SpuGetCommonCDReverb
S_GCCM 23-07-99 SpuGetCommonCDMix
S_SCA 23-07-99 SpuSetCommonAttr
S_SCERR 23-07-99 *SpuCommonError
S_SRMT 23-07-99 SpuSetReverbModeType
S_SRMD 23-07-99 SpuSetReverbModeDepth
S_SRMDT 23-07-99 SpuSetReverbModeDelayTime
S_SRMFB 23-07-99 SpuSetReverbModeFeedback
S_GRMT 23-07-99 SpuGetReverbModeType
S_GRMD 23-07-99 SpuGetReverbModeDepth
S_GRMDT 23-07-99 SpuGetReverbModeDelayTime
S_GRMFB 23-07-99 SpuGetReverbModeFeedback
S_GVA 23-07-99 SpuGetVoiceAttr
SN_GVA 23-07-99 SpuNGetVoiceAttr
S_RMP0 23-07-99 _spu_rev_startaddr
S_RMP1 23-07-99 _spu_rev_workareasize
S_RMP2 23-07-99 _spu_rev_param


The Playstation Multi-Tap library that allows 8 players to connect to one playstation with their controller and memory card.

Module Date Externals defined
TAP 22-09-97 InitTAP StartTAP StopTAP SendTAP EnableTAP DisableTAP

Function Names in linking order

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