Playstation 1 Games with Debug Symbols

Edit on Github | Updated: 22nd March 2025

I have never seen a PS1 executable bigger than 2mb, normally if they require more code they split it into multiple executables. With memory being so precious it would be unlikely a developer would forget to strip the debug symbols from an executable. However it is possible to find symbols included on the disk in various formats, one of those formats is SYM:

SYM Symbol Files

.SYM Files are generated by the Official Sony PS1 PSYQ SDK for use in debugging, they contain all the symbols (function names etc) and can also contain other chunks such as source filenames and line numbers.

You can get the information from a .SYM file using DUMPSYM.EXE from the PSQ SDK or you can use this open source tool: Also the integration of .sym files into the No$PSX emulator is documented in the following forum thread:

Games with SYM Symbol file

Game Name Symbol File Genre Youtube
AirAssault - The Red Mercury Missions (Japan) PSX.SYM    
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling THQB2.SYM Sport
Buggy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt) SYMS/NEW.SYM Racing
Cardinal Syn (Europe) SYN.SYM Fighting
Castrol Honda Superbike Racing BIKE.SYM Racing
Crow, The - City of Angels (Europe) CROW.SYM Action
CyberTiger GOLF.SYM Sport
Deka Yonku - Tough the Truck (Japan) MAIN.SYM    
Destruction Derby (Japan) TEMP/DEMOLISH.SYM Racing
Diablo (Japan) DIABPSX.SYM Action  
Disney’s 101 Dalmatians 2 /DATA/MAIN.SYM Platformer
Divide The Enemies Within /SYMBOL/GAME.SYM Action
Dora the Explorer - Barnyard Buddies /DATA/MAIN.SYM Childrens
Dragon Quest Characters - Torneko no Daibouken 2 - Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan) FPS.SYM    
Driver 2 (Spanish Version Disc 1) /SPANISH.SYM Driving
Fear Effect (Germany) (Disc 1) FEARPAL.SYM Action
Flintstones, The - Bedrock Bowling (Europe) FLINTR.SYM Platformer
Grid Run (Europe) SYM/SLES0381.SYM Platformer
Grid Runner (Japan) SYM_SLPS0659.SYM Platformer  
Hardcore 4x4 (Europe) (En,Fr,De) MAIN.SYM Racing
Hi-Octane (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) MAIN.SYM Racing
Idol Promotion - Suzuki Yumie (Japan) (Yumie Island) TEST/JANKEN/MAIN.SYM    
Indy 500 (Japan) INDY500.SYM    
International Moto X (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) PSX.SYM Racing
Kidou Senshi Gundam - Gihren no Yabou - Zeon no Keifu - Kimitsu Eizou Disc Tokubetsu Hen (Japan) TAIKEN3/TAIKEN3.SYM    
Kyuu Bakukku (Japan) CUBE.SYM    
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster /GAME_REL.SYM Action
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (Germany) DEBUG/NTSC/KAIN2.SYM Action
MDK (Japan) MAIN.SYM    
Next Wave Herbst ‘98 (Germany) DTK/dtk_menu.sym dtk_stub.sym Unknown (Demo?) Unknown
NHL Powerplay (Europe) SYM/front.sym game.sym psx.sym runfront.sym rungame.sym Sport
Nuclear Strike (Europe) DATA/DELTA.SYM dmz.sym e3demo.sym Shooter
Ore no Shikabane wo Koete Yuke (Japan) ORECD_MAIN.SYM    
PrePre Vol. 6 (Japan) STRIKE_DATA_CRIMEA.SYM    
RC Revenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) release.sym Racing  
Re-Loaded (Europe) (En,Fr,De) relpal.sym    
Soccer ‘97 (Europe) olysocc.sym    
Syndicate Wars (Germany) main.sym    
Team Losi RC Racer (US version of Buggy) /SYMS/NEW.SYM Racing
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Sv) golfcd_a.sym Sport  
Tomb Raider Chronicles (Unknown build) MAIN.SYM Action
True Pinball (Europe) pinball.sym Sport  
Twisted Metal (Japan) PSX.SYM Action
Twisted Metal Small Brawl (USA) tmsb.sym (in zip file MOV/ZDUMMY.bin) Racing
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 3rd Edition /MIL3.SYM Quiz

Demos and Betas with SYM Symbol file

Game Name Demo CD Symbol File
Croc Demo SLED-00038 /CROC.SYM
Biohazard 2 Biohazard 2 (Japan) (Beta 2) /MAIN.SYM
Cardinal Syn Euro Demo 18 (Germany) SYN/SYN.SYM
Colin McCrae Rally 2 Euro Demo 08-00 (Germany) CMR2/GAMEFLOW.SYM
Felony 11-79 Essential PlayStation 7 (Europe) /FELONY/MAIN.SYM
Granstream Denki Granstream Denki (Japan) (Demo) GS/P/MAIN.SYM
O.D.T. Euro Demo 28 (France) /ODT/MOVIES.SYM ODT.SYM
SCARS PlayStation Zone CD Vol. 8 (Germany) SCARSPAL.SYM
TH Pro Skater Euro Demo 07-00 (Germany) PROSKATE/MAIN.SYM
Sled Storm USA Demo Disc 24 DEBUG/MAIN.MAP
Soul reaver Soul reaver (SLES-02024) /DEBUG/NTSC/KAIN2.SYM
Wipeout XL Wipeout XL (USA) (Beta) NTSC.SYM
DemoDemo Vol. 12 (Japan) DemoDemo Vol. 12 (Japan) MAIN.SYM

MAP Files

Linker Map file Format

The .MAP file created by a c/c++ linker such as LD follows the format:

Start     Stop   Length      Obj Group            Section name
80010000 800179C3 000079C4 80010000 text             .rdata
Program entry point : 00000000
Address  Names alphabetically
8008CEF4  CD_ready

These files contain all the information you need to get the full debug symbols back for a game! You just need to parse them and add them to your disassembler of choice (e.g Radare2 or IDA Pro)

Games with Linker Map file

Game Name Map File
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 THQB2R.MAP
Castrol Honda Superbike Racing BIKE.MAP
Diablo (Japan) /DIABPSX.MAP
Disney’s 101 Dalmatians 2 /DATA/MAIN.MAP
Dora the Explorer - Barnyard Buddies /DATA/MAIN.MAP
Knockout Kings /DATA/MAIN.MAP
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (Germany) DEBUG/NTSC/KAIN2.MAP
NCAA March Madness Located inside IGBIN.BIN
SnoCross Championship Racing Located inside SNOW.IMG
Tomb Raider Chronicles (Unknown build) MAIN.MAP
True Pinball Contains PINBALL.MAP but doesn’t seem to contain function names

Demos and Betas with Linker Map file

Game Name Demo CD Symbol File
Colin McCrae Rally 2 Euro Demo 08-00 (Germany) /CMR2/GAMEFLOW.MAP
Soul reaver SLES-02024 /DEBUG/NTSC/KAIN2.MAP
Syphon Filter (USA) (Demo) SCUS-94362 /SIPHON.MAP

Syphon Filter (USA) (Demo)

The Github user Wuteva has been investigating the Linker Map file contained in the USA version of the Syphon Filter Demo and has found some very interesting information 1.

They have found that the MAP file doesn’t quite match the binary executable contained on the disc (the MainLoop function is at 0x800144a4 in Ghdira but is at 0x800144C0 in the map file). This is likely due to the version of the binary having an earlier date compared to the Linker Map file 1.

Games with Partial Source Code

  • Beatmania Best Hits has a near-final copy of Beatmania 5th Mix’s source code 2

Other Interesting:

  • Disney GoofysFunHouse contains string - “dbugpsx /h /epsx.cpe /m- psx.sym”
  • Chill (Europe) seems to have lots of source code in it! incide CDFILLER, includes C files!! Might just be the names of the files tho…
  • Digimon World contains quite a lot of what look like symbols in MOV_REL.BIN
  • DivideThe EnemiesWithin contains GAME.SYM and looks like it uses C++!
  • DoraTheExplorer has MAIN.SYM
  • Frogger2 seems to contain Makefiles
  • JackieChanStuntmaster contains GAME_REL.SYM!!!
  • KnockoutKings contains MAIN.MAP with address name mapping
  • NASCAR 2001 contains some references to source files in the executable SLUS_012.63
  • NBA Shoot Out seems to have some source code
  • VIP Demo (SCES-00236) Seems to contain a makefile


  1. PSX game with debug symbol: Syphon Filter (USA) (Demo) contains a .map file  2


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