Official Sony PSP SDK

Edit on Github | Updated: 22nd March 2025


What versions of the SDK have been leaked?

  • Version 1.5.0 (psp_full_sdk_JSR) from 2005
  • Version 6.6.0 (psp_sdk_660) from 2011

This page will document the latest release version 6.6.0 as it is the most complete. The 1.5.0 JSR version only contains the files that get installed to C:\usr\local\psp\devkit on windows.

Wheras the more complete version also contains the ProDG installers and additional documentation.

What was included in the SDK?

Later versions of the SDK included the ProDG development kit provided by SN Systems, which provided a way to compile PSP games using Visual Studio 2005/2008/.NET as an alternative to the Cygwin (unix like) development environment provided in the rest of the SDK.

For information on the ProDG SDK we have a seperate post:

SN Systems ProDG PSP SDK

For more information check out this post.

High Level Documentation (/Docs)


This folder contains documentation for the Technical Requirementments Checklist and some conference slides, along with the SN Systems ProDG documentation.

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • SNTools - Documentation on SN Systems ProDG Tools
  • ConferenceContent - Password protected slides from conferences in 2005 in both English and Japanese
  • TRC - Technical Requirements Checklist - It contains important rules and restrictions for creating master discs for PSP games

The contents of the SNTools folder will not be discussed in this post as we have a sepeate page for all the SN Systems ProDG SDk information:

SN Systems ProDG PSP SDK

For more information check out this post.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
PSP_Setup_Guide-English .pdf 40 page guide on setting up the SDK on both windows and linux and connecting to the development hardware
PSP_Setup_Guide-Japanese .pdf Japanese Version
PSP_Setup_Guide-Korean .pdf Korean Version

Conference Content


This folder contains Powerpoint files from Sony seminars hosted in both February 2005 and July 2005, with the February content only being in Japanese but the July content being in both English and Japanese.

We can’t open these files as they are protected by a password and thus can’t describe what is in them.

One of the files was unencrypted (Seminar2005-02_VFPU-Japanese) and it’s from the Sony software development seminar that took place on 28th February 2005.

The VFPU session has this cool screenshot of a dragon example to show that the VFPU is suitable for real-time transformations of 3D models, such as animations: Dragon PSP example

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Seminar2005-02_GRAPHICS-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-02_KERNEL-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-02_MASTER-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-02_MPEG-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-02_NETWORK-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-02_SOUND-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-02_Utility-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-02_VFPU-Japanese .pps 19 slides that talks about how to Utilize the VFPU Effectively (libvfpu) and Key Considerations.
Seminar2005-07_browser-English .pps  
Seminar2005-07_graphics-English .pps  
Seminar2005-07_network-English .pps  
Seminar2005-07_savedata-English .pps  
Seminar2005-07_sound-English .pps  
Seminar2005-07_umd-English .pps  
Seminar2005-07_update-English .pps  
Seminar2005-07_browser-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-07_graphics-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-07_network-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-07_savedata-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-07_sound-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-07_umd-Japanese .pps  
Seminar2005-07_update-Japanese .pps  

Technical Requirements Checklist (/TRC)


This folder contains the Technical Requirements Checklist that need to be followed in order to get Sony to green light a PSP game. It has strict brand guidelines on how to use the Sony and Playstation branding along with all the naming conventions in all the different langauges and PSP versions.

It also has a document of all the test cases that each game goes through before mastering.

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • Logo - Adobe Illustrator (.ai) vector images of the allowed Sony logos

One of the test cases makes sure that all games that get published do not contain debug symbols unfortunetly:

It is forbidden to include the following types of files in the master in any form, even in archive format.

  • Data and files used only for development and debugging purposes such as program source files, executable files with symbols, map files, and driver modules used in title development
  • Data and files designed only for use on other platforms such as Windows wallpaper and screensavers

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
BrandGuideline_E_100729L .pdf  
BrandGuideline_J_101112L .pdf Japanese version of the Brand Guidelines
Frequency_Specification-Guideline-English .pdf 138 page brand guidlines on how to use the Playstation brands (including PsOne, Ps3 etc)
Frequency_Specification-Guideline-Japanease .pdf Japanese version of the brand guidelines
Frequency_Specification-Guideline-Korean .pdf Korean version f the brand guidelines
PSP_NC_E1000_WW_temp_20111005 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for PSP-E1000 series - Temporary release from October 5, 2011
PSP_NC_N1000_WW_temp_1.01 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for PSP-N1000 series - Temporary release 1.01 August 2009
PSP_NC_v200_WW_temp .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for PSP-2000
PSP_NC_v3.00_WW_temp_1.01 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for PSP-3000 series - Temporary release 1.01 January 2009
psp_nc_de_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for German
psp_nc_en_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for English
psp_nc_es_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Spanish
psp_nc_fr_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for French
psp_nc_it_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Italian
psp_nc_ja_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Japanese
psp_nc_ko_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Korean
psp_nc_nl_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Dutch
psp_nc_pt-PT_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Portugese
psp_nc_ru_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Russian
psp_nc_zh-Hans_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Chinese Simplified
psp_nc_zh-Hant_3_10 .pdf PSP Naming Convensions for Chinese Traditional
psptestcases_forTRC50-English .pdf 94 page document on all the tests that are done on every game when the master copy is recieved by Sony
psptestcases_forTRC50-Japanese .pdf Japanese version of all the test cases
ptrc52-English .doc, .pdf TRC for PSPTM Software, Version 5.2, including information on how to submit the TRC form
ptrc52-Japanese .doc, .pdf Japanese version of the TRC

PSP PGF Fonts (pgf_archives_1.0.0)


This folder contains infromation on the officially supported fonts for PSP.

The PGF font format is a proprietary font format developed by Sony specifically for the PlayStation Portable (PSP). It is used to render text in PSP applications and games efficiently, taking into account the constraints of the PSP hardware. PGF stands for PlayStation Game Font, and it is part of the PSP’s system libraries.

They are mainly:

  • FTT-Matisse Pro Latin - serif font
  • FTT-NewRodin Pro Latin - san serif font
  • AsiaKNHH-SONY-uni - Korean font

In various different combinations such as bold italic etc

This folder also contains the following sub-directories for each size of the font, containing all the .pgf files for each variant (korean, japanese etc):

  • org - the original version of the font
  • 6pt - 6 point version of the font
  • 8pt - 8 point version of the font
  • 10pt - 10 point version of the font
  • 14pt - 14 point version of the font
  • 18pt - 18 point version of the font
  • 22pt - 22 point version of the font

Developers were free to use all the PGF files that are contained in this archive file via “libfont,” which is included in PSP Runtime Library 2.0.0 or later.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
PgfContentsTable-English .pdf A single page table of the details of fonts for distribution (1.0.0), NewRodin Pro Latin and Matisse Pro Latin
Readme_PgfArchives-English .txt Brief details on the files located in this folder

Cygwin Software Development Kit (/devkit)


This folder contains the main software development kit for both Window and Linux.

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • 1st_read - The initial documentation to be read first
  • bin - Binary Executables for compiling/building in both cygwin and linux (also known as psp-utils)
  • - Windows version of the build tools such as compilers
  • bin.linux - Linux version of the build tools such as compilers
  • document - Main Documentation
  • include - SDK header files
  • lib - SDK Static Library files
  • module - Compiled PRX modules
  • src - Source code to the libraries
  • sample - Examples for using the PSP SDK, e.g for playing sound or displaying graphics on the PSP
  • data - Data used in the sample applications
  • contrib - A Photoshop plugin for the GIM texture format
  • htool_updater - Update for the PSP Tool hardware
  • flash -
  • tips -
  • tool_flash -
  • tool -
  • setup - Hardware Tool instruction manual

The files in this folder are described in the table below, I have removed the japanese and korean versions to avoid duplication:

File Name Extension Description
Install_e .bat Windows Batch file for moving the exe files into the bin directory
Readme-English .txt Brief description of the Contents of the devkit directory
Readme-Hardware_tool_Kernel_Update_Binary-English .txt Changelog for htool_updater folder
Readme-PSP_Supplement_Font-English .txt Limited explanations of some font related files
Readme-PSP_Utils_Windows-English .txt Lists all the files in (psp-utils) and a changelog
Readme-Testing_tool_Kernel_Update_Binary-English .txt List of files in the flash folder and a changelog

Install instructions

When first recieving the devkit the developers had to run a few commands to install the SDK.

    Cygwin > cd /usr/local/psp
    Cygwin > unzip
    Cygwin > cd ./devkit
    Cygwin > ./Install_e.bat

This will move the Linux commands in /usr/local/psp/devkit/bin to /usr/local/psp/devkit/bin.linux and will install commands for Windows XP. After installation, /usr/local/psp/devkit/bin.linux and /usr/local/psp/devkit/ may be deleted.

Initial documentation (/1st_read)


This folder contains the bare bones documentation that should be read as soon as recieveing the development kit, such as setting up the system.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Changes-English .txt History of changes to the whole devkit going all the way back to 0.5.0
Flash_Update_Instruction_H1500-English .txt A note on updating the DTP-H2500/DTP-H1500 (A) firmware
Flash_Update_Instruction_T1000-English .txt A note on updating the DTP-T2000/DTP-T1000 (A) firmware
Hardware-Restriction-English .pdf 16 page PDF on low level restrictions on assembly instructions on both the CPU and VFPU
Important_notice-English .txt A note on providing a system update with your game due to operation of titles created with the new version of Runtime Library will not be guaranteed on the old PSP system software.
PSP_Setup_Guide-English .pdf 40 page PDF on setting everything up
Sample_List-English .txt Description of all the samples included in the sample folder

PSP Utils Binary Toolchain (/bin)


The /bin folder is the result of running the Install_e.bat install script, and copies the windows version of psp-utils into the /bin folder, where the linux versions are their by default. As such the contents of this folder will not be documented as they are the same as the contents in bin.linux and folders.

Linux psp-utils (/bin.linux)


This folder contains all the command line programs to build and debug PSP games in a Linux environment.

The executables that start with “ds” are part of “dsnet for PSP” which is a debugging environment that uses the DECI2P protocol. It enables the host and the PSP tool to work together so that applications that will run on the target can be developed more efficiently.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
binary2elf N/A pspbin2elf creates an elf file for PSP when no specification is made on the command line
dsdcons N/A dsdcons is a console program that is the companion to dstdb’s remote console input/output function. dstdb opens a DTTYP protocol server on the specified port number so that it can be used by the remote console
dspcons N/A dspcons is a console program that is the destination of TTYP input/output of the target program
dspkill N/A dspkill is a program for forcibly disconnecting a client that is connected to a specific protocol from the client programs that are connected to the entire target
dspmcons N/A dspmcons is a dedicated console program for running the dsnetm_psp debug console, which runs as CP on the PSP TOOL
dspreset N/A dspreset is a client program for resetting the entire target.
dspstat N/A dspstat is a client program for displaying a list of client programs that are connected to the entire target. It is used to identify people who are currently using the target.
dsptun N/A dsptun is a program that relays packets wrapped in the ETHERP protocol from the target to a linux tun device, when the Ether over DECI2p feature is enabled by setting bit 15 of the boot parameter.
dstdb N/A dstdb is a source-level/instruction-level debugger.
dsxfilesv N/A dsxfilesv is a file server program for processing Remote File Access requests that are sent from the target program.
dsxlist N/A dsxlist is a client program for displaying a list of modules that are loaded on the target.
dsxping N/A dsxping is a client program for diagnosing whether or not there is a response from the target program. Normally, this client program need not be used.
dsxstart N/A dsxstart is a client program for loading modules on the target. It operates in a similar manner as dstdb’s mstart command.
enlargeprx N/A  
prx-version-off N/A  
prxinfo N/A Displays information about PSP relocatable execution format (.prx) objects.
psp-addr2line N/A  
psp-ar N/A Archiver
psp-ar-util N/A  
psp-as N/A Assembler
psp-c++ N/A  
psp-c++filt N/A  
psp-cpp N/A  
psp-g++ N/A C++ compiler
psp-gcc N/A C compiler
psp-gcov N/A Coverage collects the number of times each line of source code is executed in terms of basic blocks.
psp-gnu-strip N/A Deletes symbol information from an elf-format relocatable object.
psp-gprof N/A Profile calculates the number of times the routines in a module are executed and how long it takes to execute each routine.
psp-ld N/A Linker
psp-nm N/A Outputs a list of symbols in an object
psp-objcopy N/A Converts the format of an object file
psp-objdump N/A Displays information about an object file
psp-path-setup N/A PSP compiler path search and setup
psp-prver N/A Command for confirming the version of the static library
psp-prx-strip N/A Deletes symbol information from a PSP relocatable execution format (.prx) object.
psp-ranlib N/A Generates index information for an archive
psp-readelf N/A  
psp-selcomment .rb Comment language filter, e.g only including english comments
psp-size N/A Displays the size of each section in an object
psp-strings N/A Gets the ASCII strings from an ELF
psp_boot_packager N/A The psp_boot_packager tool is used for packaging.
pspbin2elf N/A same as binary2elf
pspexportpickup N/A The pspexportpickup command is used to find mangled symbols in an object file that correspond to exported functions and variables previously specified in SCE_LIB_EXPORTPICKUP_*() macros and generates a library definition file in C source code.
pspfixup N/A Converts an elf-format relocatable object to the PSP relocatable execution format (.prx).
pspgcsection N/A An internal auxiliary tool
psplibgen N/A Generates stub information required for linking objects.
pspprofutil N/A Same as psp-gprof but for prx files
pspsplitoverlay N/A This command separates the overlay file off the PSP ELF that is generated with an overlay segment attached.
pspuidfnkeygen N/A  

Windows psp-utils (/


This folder contains thw windows compiled versions of the build utilities.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
binary2elf .exe binary2elf creates an elf file for PSP when no specification is made on the command line
dsbloadp .exe dsbloadp is a client program for sending the PSP boot code to the target.
dsdcons .exe dsdcons is a console program that is the companion to dstdb’s remote console input/output function.
dspcons .exe dspcons is a console program that is the destination of TTYP input/output of the target program.
dspkill .exe dspkill is a program for forcibly disconnecting a client that is connected to a specific protocol from the client programs that are connected to the entire target.
dspmcons .exe dspmcons is a dedicated console program for running the dsnetm_psp debug console, which runs as CP on the PSP TOOL.
dspreset .exe dsbloadp is a client program for sending the PSP boot code to the target.
dspstat .exe dspstat is a client program for displaying a list of client programs that are connected to the entire target.
dstdb .exe dstdb is a source-level/instruction-level debugger.
dsxlist .exe dsxlist is a client program for displaying a list of modules that are loaded on the target.
dsxping .exe dsxping is a client program for diagnosing whether or not there is a response from the target program.
dsxstart .exe dsxstart is a client program for loading modules on the target.
enlargeprx .exe  
prx-version-off .exe  
prxinfo .exe Displays information about PSP relocatable execution format (.prx) objects.
psp-ar-util .exe  
psp-prver .exe Command for confirming the version of the static library
psp-prx-strip .exe Deletes symbol information from a PSP relocatable execution format (.prx) object.
psp_boot_packager .exe The psp_boot_packager tool is used for packaging.
pspbin2elf .exe same as binary2elf
pspexportpickup .exe The pspexportpickup command is used to find mangled symbols in an object file that correspond to exported functions and variables previously specified in SCE_LIB_EXPORTPICKUP_*() macros and generates a library definition file in C source code.
pspfixup .exe Converts an elf-format relocatable object to the PSP relocatable execution format (.prx).
pspgcsection .exe An internal auxiliary tool
psplibgen .exe Generates stub information required for linking objects.
pspprofutil .exe Same as psp-gprof but for prx files
pspsplitoverlay .exe This command separates the overlay file off the PSP ELF that is generated with an overlay segment attached.
pspuidfnkeygen .exe  

GIM Photoshop Plugin (/contrib/tool/gimPhotoshopPlugin)


This folder contains a photoshop plugin for supporting the PSP texture format .GIM (Similar to the PS1 TIM format).

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
GIM_Photoshop_Plugin_Overview-English .pdf 6 page PDF explaining how to use the photoshop plugin
readme_e .txt Brief explanation and changelog for the photoshop plugin
tgGimFormat .8bi The Photoshop 6.0 Plugin for GIM image format

When running the plugin in Photoshop 6.0 you get the following dialog to save to GIM format: GIM Photoshop Plugin

Data (/data)


This folder contains data used for the samples to keep them seperate from the actual source code.

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • ccc - libccc Data File
  • dvdumd - DVD/UMD(TM) Image File for the dvdumd sample (sample/dvdumd)
  • model - Model Data File for GMO
  • movie - PSMF Stream File and MP4 Stream File
  • or_dict - libface data
  • picture - Image Data File for GIM
  • scene - A sample scene
  • sound - Data File for libsndp for the playsmf sample (sample/sound/playsmf)

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Readme_English .txt brief description of all the folders in the data folder an a changelog
Readme_Sample_Code_Data-Graphics-English .txt Changelog for the Graphics samples
Readme_Sample_Code_Data-Movie-English .txt Changelog for the Movie samples
Readme_Sample_Code_Data-Sound-English .txt Changelog for the Sound samples

Module (/module)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
libadler .prx Implements Adler-32 checksum computation.
libbase16 .prx Provides Base16 (hexadecimal) encoding and decoding.
libbase32 .prx Provides Base32 encoding and decoding functionality.
libbase64 .prx Implements Base64 encoding and decoding.
libccc .prx Character Code Conversion utilities
libdeflt .prx libdeflt is a library for expanding data in zlib format, deflate format, gzip format, and PK0304 zip format which are defined in RFC 1950, RFC 1951, and RFC 1952.
libface .prx Manages face detection or recognition utilities.
libfont .prx Handles font rendering and manipulation.
libfpu .prx FPU functions
libheap .prx Provides heap memory management functionality.
libmd5 .prx Implements the MD5 hashing algorithm.
libmt19937 .prx Mersenne Twister random number generator (MT19937).
libpsmfplayer .prx Plays PSP Motion Format (PSMF) video files.
libpuny .prx Handles Punycode encoding for internationalized domain names.
libqpcode .prx Encodes and decodes Quoted-Printable format.
libsfmt11213 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (11213 parameters).
libsfmt1279 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (1279 parameters).
libsfmt132049 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (132049 parameters).
libsfmt19937 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (19937 parameters).
libsfmt216091 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (216091 parameters).
libsfmt2281 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (2281 parameters).
libsfmt4253 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (4253 parameters).
libsfmt44497 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (44497 parameters).
libsfmt607 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (607 parameters).
libsfmt86243 .prx SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (86243 parameters).
libsha0 .prx Implements the SHA-0 hashing algorithm.
libsha1 .prx Implements the SHA-1 hashing algorithm.
libsha224 .prx Implements the SHA-224 hashing algorithm.
libsha256 .prx Implements the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
libsha384 .prx Implements the SHA-384 hashing algorithm.
libsha512 .prx Implements the SHA-512 hashing algorithm.
psmf .prx Provides core functionality for handling PSP Motion Format headers.
pspnet_ap_dialog_dummy .prx Dummy module for PSP network access point dialogs.
scan .prx  
show_macaddr .prx Displays the device’s MAC address.

Documentation (/document)


This folder contains all the main documentation for the Software Development Kit

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • chm - CHM version of the documentation in both english and japanese (PSP™ Programmer Tool Runtime Library)
  • html - HTML version of the documentation in both english and japanese (PSP™ Programmer Tool Runtime Library)
  • pdf - PDF version of the documentation
  • PSP_DevKit_6.6.0_Doc_Index_e - Index (.idx) files
  • format - GIM, GMO and GSO format information in PDF format
  • sound - PHD/PBD Format documentation in PDF format
  • hardware_manual - Hardware Manual Release 1.0.0 (2006)
  • tool - PDF Tool documentation

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
PSP_DevKit_6.6.0_Doc_Index_e .pdx Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Index file, index of the other PDF files
Readme-CHM-English .txt Lists the documentation available in CHM format
Readme-HTML-English .txt Lists the documentation available in HTML format
Readme-NP_Dev-Users_Guide-English .txt It contains documents that describe necessary information to develop a PlayStation Network enabled application
Readme-PDF-English .txt Change log of pdf document changes and how t use the .PDX file

We will only document the PDF version of the documentation files in this post as they are equal to the CHM and HTML versions.

PDF Documentation (/document/pdf)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • overview - General overview o topics such as the compiler toolchain
  • movie - Documentation on Movie playback such as AVI Encoding, MP4 Playback
  • debug_support - Documentation related to debugging PSP software
  • network - Documentation on the networking libraries such as pspnet
  • others - Misc documentation on libraries like Adler and Game authoring
  • fpu-vfpu - Low level FPU and VFPU SDK documentation
  • guideline - General guidelines for tasks such as creating a custom PSP system theme
  • image_recognition - Documentation for libface, which is a library for analyzing grayscale images and recognizing the faces of people whose pictures appear in those images
  • still - JPEG and PNG Library documentation
  • peripheral - References for APIs such as Battery, Storage and UMD
  • graphics - References for the APIs for graphics such as 3D models (GMOs) and graphics engine
  • sound - References for the Sound APIs for MP3/VOB, sound input etc
  • kernel - Low level kernel information like threading a cache
  • tool - Documentation on software related to the Hardware Tool
  • utility - Documentation on Browser, RSS Reader utilities

The files in this folder are described in the table below, they are mainly related to the Network Platform (NP), specifically the PlayStation Network Server Management Tools or SMT for short:

File Name Extension Description
NP-Product_Management_Guide_e .pdf NP Product Management Guide
NP_SMT_Matching2-Users_Guide_e .pdf PlayStation Network SMT - NP Matching 2 Tools User’s Guide
NP_SMT_Portal-Users_Guide_e .pdf PlayStation Network SMT - Portal User’s Guide
NP_SMT_TPPS-Users_Guide_e .pdf PlayStation Network SMT - Title Patch Publishing System User’s Guide
NP_SMT_TSSS-Users_Guide_e .pdf PlayStation Network SMT - Title Small Storage Service User’s Guide

SMT are a group of web-based tools that support the development of applications with respect to the various PlayStation®Network communication services.

In the course of testing the behavior of applications in the communication services (such as the NP score ranking service, NP matching 2 service, and patch distribution service), SMT functions can be used to modify PlayStation®Network server settings and to obtain registered data.

The SMT Portal is a portal site for connecting to the various SMT tools and for managing all the user and organization privileges for the tools.

The “administrator”, the user who registered the NP Communication IDs and title IDs (product codes) for an organization, can set the access privileges for the organization and the organization’s users using the SMT Portal.

Overview (/document/pdf/overview)


This folder contains overview information on topics such as the compiler and how to package DLC for your game for the Playstation Store.

Note that psp-gcc 1.x is based on GCC 3.3.x and psp-gcc 2.x is based on GCC 4.0.x.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Additional_Game_Data-Packaging-English .pdf This document explains the step-by-step procedure needed to create a PSP additional gamedata package. It describes how to create data and programs so they can be distributed as DLC
Compiler-Overview-English .pdf Overview of the GCC based compiler toolchain
ContentInformation-Check-English .pdf This is a function which checks the files which make up content information shown on the XMB
Downloadable_Game-Notes-English .pdf Notes on Creating PSP Downloadable Games such as difference in access timing compared to UMD
Downloadable_Game-Packaging-English .pdf This document describes the procedure for creating a PSP downloadable game package.
Game_MasterDisc-Users_Manual-English .pdf Game Master Disc Creation Procedure
PSP_Setup_Guide-English .pdf 40 page guide on setting everything up
PSP_System_Overview-English .pdf 8 Page high level hardware architecture
Patch-Overview-English .pdf A patch system is provided that can add or replace any program or data file of a previously released application supplied on a UMD, or of a PSPTM downloadable game application installed on a Memory Stick.
Patch-Packaging-English .pdf PSP Patch Package Creation Guide
Programming-Overview-English .pdf PSP Programming Tutorial

The PSP kernel loader can handle two types of object files. One is a relocatable object file format unique to the PSPTM kernel called a PRX file, and the other is a normal ELF executable object file. Every module that is loaded in memory is identified by a unique 32-bit ID called a module ID.

A PRX-format module can be used as a resident library. A resident library provides some of its functions to another module.

Debug_support (/document/pdf/debug_support)


This folder contains information on debugging PSP software with Dsnet. Dsnet is a debugging environment that uses the DECI2P protocol. It enables the host and the PSPTM tool to work together so that applications that will run on the target can be developed more efficiently.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
BSOD-Overview-English .pdf Blue Screen of Death module documentation that saves the state when a crash occurs.
Dsnet-Client-English .pdf dsnet for PSP Overview
Dsnet_Command_Reference-English .pdf dstdb source-level/instruction-level debugger Command Reference
GPI_GPO-Reference-English .pdf 6 page GPI / GPO Manipulation Utility Reference
Profiler-Reference-English .pdf Profiler Operation Utility Reference, documentation for the low level profiling API
USB_Serial-Overview-English .pdf USB Serial Driver Overview, The USB serial driver enables the TOOL (DTP-T1000 / DTP-H1500) to communicate with a PC via serial communication over USB using the Abstract Control Model (ACM) of the USB Communication Device Class (CDC).
USB_Serial-Reference-English .pdf USB Serial Driver Reference, low level API documentation

BSOD is a module which, when erroneous processing occurs in a program on the DTP-H1500, if possible halts the program in that state and allows the conditions in which the error occurred to be observed.

It enables the values of registers and of the program counter, the state of threads, and the state of the synchronization primitives such as semaphores and event flags, to be observed as they were at the time when the crash occurred.

FPU and VFPU (/document/pdf/fpu-vfpu)


This folder contains documentation for the Vector FPU, the Allegrex CPU and the FPU.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
ALLEGREX-Builtin_Function-Reference-English .pdf Built in CPU functions like __builtin_allegrex_clz
VFPU_Intrinsics-Overview-English .pdf The psp-gcc VFPU intrinsics are functions which enable gcc to use V4SF and V16SF mode types as built-in types.
VFPU_Intrinsics-Reference-English .pdf VFPU Intrinsics Reference
VFPU_Macro-Overview-English .pdf psp-as VFPU Assembler Overview
VFPU_Macro-Reference-English .pdf psp-as VFPU Macro Reference
libvfpu-Overview-English .pdf VFPU Operation Library (libvfpu) is a library that performs vector and matrix operations using VFPU instructions. It also provides the ability to copy memory using vfpu vector load and store instructions.
libfpu-Reference-English .pdf libfpu Reference for functions like sceFpuFloor
libvfpu-Reference-English .pdf libvfpu Reference for functions like sceVfpuScalarAbs

Graphics (/document/pdf/graphics)


This folder contains documentation related to 3D gaphics such as the GMO 3d Model API and how the Graphics engine works.

The Graphics Engine manager (geman) is a service for controlling the Graphics Engine, which is the drawing engine of the PSPTM. geman provides functions for managing display lists (sequences of commands that are transferred to the Graphics Engine) as a queue. By using geman, an application can create and transfer display lists without being concerned with when drawing actually ends.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
GE-Overview-English .pdf 21 page Graphics Engine Manager (geman) Overview
GE-Reference-English .pdf Graphics Engine Manager (geman) Reference for functions such as sceGeListEnQueue
Graphics-Overview-English .pdf High level overview of the Graphics Processing Flow
libgim_Picture-Overview-English .pdf libgim_picture is a library for handling 2D graphics data that are to be used as textures. It provides functions for parsing 2D graphics data files into picture structures having image and palette subblocks, functions for animating picture structures, and functions for setting textures in conjunction with libgu by creating display lists based on picture structures.
libgim_Picture-Reference-English .pdf libgim_picture Reference
libgiq_Picture-Overview-English .pdf libgiq_picture is a lightweight version of libgim_picture. It provides an almost identical API as libgim_picture but can display GIM files with less CPU load.
libgiq_Picture-Reference-English .pdf libgiq_picture Reference
libgmo_Model-Overview-English .pdf libgmo is a library for handling 3D model data. It provides functions for parsing 3D model data files into model structures having bone, part, and material subblocks, functions for animating model structures, and functions for creating display lists based on model structures in conjunction with libgu.
libgmo_Model-Reference-English .pdf libgmo_model Reference
libgmq_Model-Overview-English .pdf libgmq_model is a lightweight version of libgmo_model. It provides an almost identical API as libgmo_model but can display GMO files with less CPU load.
libgmq_Model-Reference-English .pdf libgmq_model Reference
libgso_Scene-Overview-English .pdf libgso is a library which handles 3D scene data. libgso provides structure definitions and macro definitions for the 3D scene format. Using these, information on lights, cameras, etc. declared in the 3D scene format can be obtained.
libgso_Scene-Reference-English .pdf libgso_scene Reference
libgu-Overview-English .pdf libgu is a basic library that uses the Graphics Engine to draw graphics. It is primarily used to create display lists (sequences of drawing parameters and drawing commands) that are used by the Graphics Engine to perform the actual drawing. The library also provides functions for starting, interrupting, and synchronizing drawing operations.
libgu-Reference-English .pdf libgu Reference
libgum-Overview-English .pdf libgum is a library for supporting 3D operations. It has functions for performing matrix calculations such as rotation, scaling, and perspective projection as well as functions for reflecting the calculation result matrix in a display list that was created using libgu.
libgum-Reference-English .pdf libgum Reference
libgup-Reference-English .pdf libgup Reference
libgxp_Packet-Reference-English .pdf libgxp_packet Reference

Guideline (/document/pdf/guideline)


This folder contains documents on misc topics such as creating custom system themes or creating content for the internet browser, including the PSP Flash player plugin.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
CustomTheme-Packaging-English .pdf Custom Theme Package Creation Guide
Custom_Theme-English .pdf Custom Theme Creation Guidelines
InternetBrowser_ContentGuideline_Dev-English .pdf 53 page Guidelines for Creating Content for the PSP Internet Browser
NP_Dev-Users_Guide_e .pdf 21 page Network Platform for Development User’s Guide
PSN_Avatar-Guidelines_e .pdf PlayStation®Network Avatar Guidelines, including premium paid for avatars (also mentions vita and PS3)
PSP_PlayStation_Store_Content-Guidelines-English .pdf 25 page document explains how to create system files, gives precautions when creating content information, and provides notes that should be followed when creating user programs and data.
Readme-CustomTheme-Packaging-English .txt Changelog for the Custom_Theme-English document
Readme-CustomTheme_CreationGuideline-English .txt Changelog for the CustomTheme-Packaging-English.pdf
Readme-InternetBrowser_ContentGuideline_Dev-English .txt Changelog for the InternetBrowser_ContentGuideline_Dev-English.pdf
Readme-PlayStation_Store_ContentGuideline-English .txt Changelog for the PSP_PlayStation_Store_Content-Guideline-English.pdf

Image Recognition (/document/pdf/image_recognition)


This folder contains documentation on the Face recognition API provided by the PSP SDK.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
libface-Overview-English .pdf libface is a library for analyzing grayscale images and recognizing the faces of people whose pictures appear in those images
libface-Reference-English .pdf libface reference api with functions such as sceFaceDetection

Kernel (/document/pdf/kernel)


This folder contains low level documentation on how the PSP Kernel works for example details of the cache inside the .

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Cache-Overview-English .pdf 14 page ALLEGREX CPU Cache Overview
Cache-Reference-English .pdf Cache Manipulation Utilities Reference
IO_File_Manager-Reference-English .pdf Reference for IO file functions such as SceIoStat
Interrupt_Manager-Reference-English .pdf intrman (PSP Interrupt Manager) Reference
Kernel-Overview-English .pdf 24 page PSP Kernel Overview
Loadexec-Reference-English .pdf Restarting the PSP and Starting Applications (loadexec) Reference
Module_Manager-Reference-English .pdf PSP Module Manager Reference
Stdio-Reference-English .pdf Reference for functions such as sceKernelRegisterStdoutPipe
System_Memory_Manager-Reference-English .pdf PSP System Memory Manager Reference
Thread_Manager-Reference-English .pdf PSP Thread Manager Specifications Reference
Types-Reference-English .pdf Common Type Definitions Reference
libheap-Overview-English .pdf libheap is a library for managing in smaller chunks, memory that is first allocated using the fixed-length memory pool (FPL) of the thread manager. libheap is useful when you want to perform malloc()/free()-like memory management without depending on libc. It can also be used when you want to allocate multiple independent heaps.
libheap-Reference-English .pdf libheap Reference for functions such as sceHeapAllocHeapMemory

Movie (/document/pdf/movie)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
AVIenc-Overview-English .pdf  
AVIenc-Reference-English .pdf  
Movie-Overview-English .pdf  
libmp4-Overview-English .pdf  
libmp4-Reference-English .pdf  
libmpeg-Overview-English .pdf  
libmpeg-Reference-English .pdf  
libpsmf-Overview-English .pdf  
libpsmf-Reference-English .pdf  
libpsmfplayer-Overview-English .pdf  
libpsmfplayer-Reference-English .pdf  

Network (/document/pdf/network)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Game_Sharing-Authoring-English .pdf  
Game_Sharing-Overview-English .pdf  
HTTPS-Overview-English .pdf  
HTTPS-Reference-English .pdf  
Ifhandle-Overview-English .pdf  
Ifhandle-Reference-English .pdf  
NP-Overview-English .pdf  
NP-Reference-English .pdf  
NPDRM-Overview-English .pdf  
NPDRM-Reference-English .pdf  
NP_Account-Overview-English .pdf  
NP_Auth-Reference-English .pdf  
NP_Commerce-Overview-English .pdf  
NP_Commerce_Programming_Guide-English .pdf  
NP_Common-Reference-English .pdf  
NP_Communication-Overview-English .pdf  
NP_In_Game_Commerce2-Overview-English .pdf  
NP_In_Game_Commerce2-Reference-English .pdf  
NP_Lookup-Overview-English .pdf  
NP_Lookup-Reference-English .pdf  
NP_Matching2-Overview-English .pdf  
NP_Matching2-Reference-English .pdf  
NP_Matching2_System-Overview-English .pdf  
NP_Roster-Reference-English .pdf  
NP_Service-Reference-English .pdf  
Network-Overview-English .pdf  
Network_Infrastructure_Mode-Overview-English .pdf  
PSPNET-Overview-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Adhoc-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Adhoc_Discover-Overview-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Adhoc_Discover-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Adhoc_Matching-Overview-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Adhoc_Matching-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Adhocctl-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Ap_Dialog_Dummy-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Apctl-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Core-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Error-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Inet-Reference-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Resolver-Overview-English .pdf  
PSPNET_Resolver-Reference-English .pdf  
PSP_Boot_Binary-Overview-English .pdf  
Wlan-Overview-English .pdf  
Wlan-Reference-English .pdf  
libbase16-Overview-English .pdf  
libbase16-Reference-English .pdf  
libbase32-Overview-English .pdf  
libbase32-Reference-English .pdf  
libbase64-Overview-English .pdf  
libbase64-Reference-English .pdf  
libgameupdate-Overview-English .pdf  
libgameupdate-Reference-English .pdf  
libhttp-Overview-English .pdf  
libhttp-Reference-English .pdf  
libparse_HTTP-Overview-English .pdf  
libparse_HTTP-Reference-English .pdf  
libparse_URI-Overview-English .pdf  
libparse_URI-Reference-English .pdf  
libqpcode-Overview-English .pdf  
libqpcode-Reference-English .pdf  
libssl-Overview-English .pdf  
libssl-Reference-English .pdf  

Others (/document/pdf/others)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
GameData-Authoring-English .pdf  
GameData-Reference-English .pdf  
OpenPSID-Overview-English .pdf  
OpenPSID-Reference-English .pdf  
libadler-Overview-English .pdf  
libadler-Reference-English .pdf  
libccc-Reference-English .pdf  
libdeflt-Overview-English .pdf  
libdeflt-Reference-English .pdf  
libfont-Overview-English .pdf  
libfont-Reference-English .pdf  
libmd5-Overview-English .pdf  
libmd5-Reference-English .pdf  
libmt19937-Overview-English .pdf  
libmt19937-Reference-English .pdf  
libpuny-Overview-English .pdf  
libpuny-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt11213-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt11213-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt1279-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt1279-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt132049-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt132049-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt19937-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt19937-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt216091-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt216091-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt2281-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt2281-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt4253-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt4253-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt44497-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt44497-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt607-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt607-Reference-English .pdf  
libsfmt86243-Overview-English .pdf  
libsfmt86243-Reference-English .pdf  
libsha0-Overview-English .pdf  
libsha0-Reference-English .pdf  
libsha1-Overview-English .pdf  
libsha1-Reference-English .pdf  
libsha224-Overview-English .pdf  
libsha224-Reference-English .pdf  
libsha256-Overview-English .pdf  
libsha256-Reference-English .pdf  
libsha384-Overview-English .pdf  
libsha384-Reference-English .pdf  
libsha512-Overview-English .pdf  
libsha512-Reference-English .pdf  

Peripheral (/document/pdf/peripheral)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
BatteryIcon-Overview-English .pdf  
Controller-Overview-English .pdf  
Controller-Reference-English .pdf  
DMAC-Overview-English .pdf  
DMAC-Reference-English .pdf  
Display-Overview-English .pdf  
Display-Reference-English .pdf  
FATMS-Overview-English .pdf  
FATMS-Reference-English .pdf  
HeadphoneRemote-Overview-English .pdf  
HeadphoneRemote-Reference-English .pdf  
ISO9660-Reference-English .pdf  
Impose-Reference-English .pdf  
Power-Overview-English .pdf  
Power-Reference-English .pdf  
RTC-Overview-English .pdf  
RTC-Reference-English .pdf  
UMD-Overview-English .pdf  
UMD-Reference-English .pdf  
UMD_Block-Reference-English .pdf  
UMD_Cache-Overview-English .pdf  
USB_Camera-Overview-English .pdf  
USB_Camera-Reference-English .pdf  
USB_Driver-Overview-English .pdf  
USB_Driver-Reference-English .pdf  
USB_Gps-Overview-English .pdf  
USB_Gps-Reference-English .pdf  
USB_Mic-Overview-English .pdf  
USB_Mic-Reference-English .pdf  
USB_PSPComm-Overview-English .pdf  
USB_PSPComm-Reference-English .pdf  
fmacvideo-Overview-English .pdf  
fmacvideo-Reference-English .pdf  

Sound (/document/pdf/sound)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
AudioInput-Overview-English .pdf  
AudioInput-Reference-English .pdf  
AudioRouting-Reference-English .pdf  
PHD_PBD_Format-English .pdf  
Sas-Overview-English .pdf  
SimpleAudio-Overview-English .pdf  
SimpleAudio-Reference-English .pdf  
Sound-Overview-English .pdf  
VAG_Format-English .pdf  
Vaudio-Overview-English .pdf  
Vaudio-Reference-English .pdf  
libaac-Overview-English .pdf  
libaac-Reference-English .pdf  
libatrac3plus-Overview-English .pdf  
libatrac3plus-Reference-English .pdf  
libg729-Overview-English .pdf  
libg729-Reference-English .pdf  
libmp3-Overview-English .pdf  
libmp3-Reference-English .pdf  
libp3da-Overview-English .pdf  
libp3da-Reference-English .pdf  
libsas-Overview-English .pdf  
libsas-Reference-English .pdf  
libsndp-Overview-English .pdf  
libsndp-Reference-English .pdf  
libulaw-Overview-English .pdf  
libulaw-Reference-English .pdf  
libwave-Overview-English .pdf  
libwave-Reference-English .pdf  

Still (/document/pdf/still)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
JPEGDEC-Overview-English .pdf  
JPEGDEC-Reference-English .pdf  
SCEJPEGENC-Overview-English .pdf  
SCEJPEGENC-Reference-English .pdf  
scepng-Overview-English .pdf  
scepng-Reference-English .pdf  

Tool (/document/pdf/tool)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
PSMF_Composer-Tool-English .pdf  
PSMF_Encoder-Tool-English .pdf  
PSPhtool_Updater-English .pdf  
Readme-Stream_Composer_Doc-English .txt  
Stream_Composer-Tool-English .pdf  

Utility (/document/pdf/utility)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Utility-Overview-English .pdf  
Utility-Reference-English .pdf  
Utility_Gamedata_Install-Overview-English .pdf  
Utility_Gamedata_Install-Reference-English .pdf  
Utility_InternetBrowser-Overview-English .pdf  
Utility_InternetBrowser-Reference-English .pdf  
Utility_RssChannelSubscriber-Overview-English .pdf  
Utility_RssReader-Overview-English .pdf  
Utility_RssReader-Reference-English .pdf  
Utility_Savedata-Overview-English .pdf  
Utility_Savedata-Reference-English .pdf  
Utility_Savedata-Reference-Member-English .pdf  

Format (/document/format)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
GIM_Format-Overview-English .pdf  
GMO_Format-Overview-English .pdf  
GMO_Format-Reference-English .pdf  
GSO_Format-Overview-English .pdf  
GSO_Format-Reference-English .pdf  

Hardware_manual (/document/hardware_manual)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • Graphics_Engine -
  • VFPU -

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Hardware-Restriction-English .pdf  
Readme-English .txt  

Allegrex Hardware Documentation (/document/hardware_manual/ALLEGREX)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • Instruction_list - Just contains one file ALLEGREX_FPU-Instruction_List-English.pdf that…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
ALLEGREX-Instruction_Manual-English .pdf  
ALLEGREX-Users_Manual-English .pdf  
FPU-Instruction_Manual-English .pdf  
FPU-Users_Manual-English .pdf  

Graphics Engine Documentation (/document/hardware_manual/Graphics_Engine)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • Command_list - Japanese and Korean version of Graphics_Engine-Command_List
  • Graphics_Engine-Command_list - Just contains one file Graphics_Engine-Command_List-English.pdf that…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
Graphics_Engine-Command_Reference_Manual-English .pdf  
Graphics_Engine-Users_Manual-English .pdf  

VFPU Documentation (/document/hardware_manual/VFPU)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • VFPU-Instruction_list - Just contains one file VFPU-Instruction_List-English.pdf that…
  • Instruction_list - Japanese and korean version of Vfpu-instruction_list

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
VFPU-Instruction_Manual-English .pdf  
VFPU-Users_Manual-English .pdf  

Flash (/flash)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories which each just contain a single EBOOT.PBP file :

  • downgrade_DTP_H1500 -
  • update_DTP_H1500 -

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
English-Notes_on_using_the_updater .txt  
Japanese-Notes_on_using_the_updater .txt Japanese version of the notes
Korean-Notes_on_using_the_updater .txt Korean version of the notes

Htool_updater (/htool_updater)


This folder contains an update binary and license files for the PSP Hardware Tool Development Kit.

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • license - contains a single text file per langauge (English, Japanese, Korean) for the license file psptool_license_e.txt

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
htool_updater-660-A .bin Firmware update for the PSP Tool

Include Headers (/include)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • gmq -
  • gso -
  • gxp -
  • libhttp -
  • deci2p -
  • gim -
  • giq -
  • pspnet -
  • gmo -
  • np -
  • utility -

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
allegrex .h Include file for declaring
audioerror .h Include file for declaring
audioinput .h Include file for declaring
audiooutput .h Include file for declaring
audiorouting .h Include file for declaring
avienc .h Include file for declaring
breakcode .h Include file for declaring
cpureg .h Include file for declaring
crashdump .h Include file for declaring
ctrlsvc .h Include file for declaring
deci2p .h Include file for declaring
devkit_version .h Include file for declaring
displaysvc .h Include file for declaring
dmacdrv .h Include file for declaring
exportcplusplus .h Include file for declaring
fatms .h Include file for declaring
fmacvideo .h Include file for declaring
gecmd .h Include file for declaring
geman .h Include file for declaring
gevtx .h Include file for declaring
gprof .h Include file for declaring
hpremotedrv .h Include file for declaring
impose .h Include file for declaring
intrman .h Include file for declaring
iofilemgr .h Include file for declaring
iofilemgr_dirent .h Include file for declaring
iofilemgr_dnas .h Include file for declaring
iofilemgr_dnas_inline .h Include file for declaring
iofilemgr_fcntl .h Include file for declaring
iofilemgr_stat .h Include file for declaring
isofs_ioctl .h Include file for declaring
kernel .h Include file for declaring
kerneltypes .h Include file for declaring
kernelutils .h Include file for declaring
kerror .h Include file for declaring
libaac .h Include file for declaring
libadler .h Include file for declaring
libatrac3plus .h Include file for declaring
libatrac3plus_aa3 .h Include file for declaring
libbase16 .h Include file for declaring
libbase32 .h Include file for declaring
libbase64 .h Include file for declaring
libccc .h Include file for declaring
libdeflt .h Include file for declaring
libface .h Include file for declaring
libfont .h Include file for declaring
libfpu .h Include file for declaring
libg729 .h Include file for declaring
libgameupdate .h Include file for declaring
libgu .h Include file for declaring
libgum .h Include file for declaring
libgup .h Include file for declaring
libheap .h Include file for declaring
libhttp .h Include file for declaring
libhttp_error .h Include file for declaring
libhttps .h Include file for declaring
libmd5 .h Include file for declaring
libmp3 .h Include file for declaring
libmp4 .h Include file for declaring
libmpeg .h Include file for declaring
libmt19937 .h Include file for declaring
libp3da .h Include file for declaring
libp3da_types .h Include file for declaring
libp3da_values .h Include file for declaring
libparse_http .h Include file for declaring
libparse_uri .h Include file for declaring
libpsmf .h Include file for declaring
libpsmfplayer .h Include file for declaring
libpuny .h Include file for declaring
libqpcode .h Include file for declaring
libsas .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt11213 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt1279 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt132049 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt19937 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt216091 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt2281 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt4253 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt44497 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt607 .h Include file for declaring
libsfmt86243 .h Include file for declaring
libsha0 .h Include file for declaring
libsha1 .h Include file for declaring
libsha224 .h Include file for declaring
libsha256 .h Include file for declaring
libsha384 .h Include file for declaring
libsha512 .h Include file for declaring
libsndp .h Include file for declaring
libssl .h Include file for declaring
libvfpu .h Include file for declaring
libwave .h Include file for declaring
loadexec .h Include file for declaring
mediaman .h Include file for declaring
moduleexport .h Include file for declaring
modulemgr .h Include file for declaring
modulemgr_gamesharing .h Include file for declaring
mscm_error .h Include file for declaring
msstor_error .h Include file for declaring
openpsid .h Include file for declaring
powersvc .h Include file for declaring
profiler .h Include file for declaring
pspalias .h Include file for declaring
pspconst .h Include file for declaring
psperror .h Include file for declaring
pspioctl .h Include file for declaring
pspkeywords .h Include file for declaring
pspnet .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_adhoc .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_adhoc_discover .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_adhoc_matching .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_adhocctl .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_ap_dialog_dummy .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_apctl .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_error .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_inet .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_resolver .h Include file for declaring
pspnet_upnp .h Include file for declaring
pspstdint .h Include file for declaring
psptypes .h Include file for declaring
rtcsvc .h Include file for declaring
scejpeg .h Include file for declaring
scejpegenc .h Include file for declaring
scepng .h Include file for declaring
sceulaw .h Include file for declaring
scratchpad .h Include file for declaring
sdphd .h Include file for declaring
sysmem .h Include file for declaring
thread .h Include file for declaring
umddevctl .h Include file for declaring
umddisc .h Include file for declaring
umderror .h Include file for declaring
usb .h Include file for declaring
usbacc .h Include file for declaring
usbcam .h Include file for declaring
usbgps .h Include file for declaring
usbmic .h Include file for declaring
usbpspcm .h Include file for declaring
usbser .h Include file for declaring
vaudio .h Include file for declaring
wlan .h Include file for declaring

Deci2p Headers (/include/deci2p)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
dbgp .h Include file for declaring
dcmp .h Include file for declaring
deci2p .h Include file for declaring
drfp .h Include file for declaring
loadp .h Include file for declaring
netmp .h Include file for declaring
ttyp .h Include file for declaring

GIM Image Format Headers (/include/gim)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
gim_format .h Include file for declaring
gim_metrics .h Include file for declaring
gim_picture .h Include file for declaring
gim_protected .h Include file for declaring

Giq Headers (/include/giq)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
giq_format .h Include file for declaring
giq_picture .h Include file for declaring
giq_protected .h Include file for declaring

Gmo Headers (/include/gmo)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
gmo_format .h Include file for declaring
gmo_metrics .h Include file for declaring
gmo_model .h Include file for declaring
gmo_protected .h Include file for declaring

Gmq Headers (/include/gmq)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
gmq_format .h Include file for declaring
gmq_model .h Include file for declaring
gmq_protected .h Include file for declaring

Gso headers (/include/gso)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
gso_format .h Include file for declaring
gso_scene .h Include file for declaring

Gxp headers (/include/gxp)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
gxp_format .h Include file for declaring
gxp_packet .h Include file for declaring

Lib Http headers (/include/libhttp)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
http_methods .h Include file for declaring
http_status_code .h Include file for declaring
schemes .h Include file for declaring

Np Headers (/include/np)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
np .h Include file for declaring
np_auth .h Include file for declaring
np_commerce2 .h Include file for declaring
np_common .h Include file for declaring
np_drm .h Include file for declaring
np_drm_inline .h Include file for declaring
np_error .h Include file for declaring
np_lookup .h Include file for declaring
np_matching2 .h Include file for declaring
np_roster .h Include file for declaring
np_service .h Include file for declaring

PSP Net inet headers (/include/pspnet/netinet)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
in .h Include file for declaring
ip_var .h Include file for declaring
tcp .h Include file for declaring
tcp_fsm .h Include file for declaring
tcp_var .h Include file for declaring
udp_var .h Include file for declaring

PSP Net System Headers (/include/pspnet/sys)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
poll .h Include file for declaring
select .h Include file for declaring
socket .h Include file for declaring
time .h Include file for declaring
uio .h Include file for declaring

Utility Headers (/include/utility)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
utility_auto_connect .h Include file for declaring
utility_common .h Include file for declaring
utility_gamedata_install .h Include file for declaring
utility_gamesharing .h Include file for declaring
utility_htmlviewer .h Include file for declaring
utility_module .h Include file for declaring
utility_msgdialog .h Include file for declaring
utility_netconf .h Include file for declaring
utility_netparam .h Include file for declaring
utility_np_signin .h Include file for declaring
utility_osk .h Include file for declaring
utility_ps3scan .h Include file for declaring
utility_psn .h Include file for declaring
utility_rss_reader .h Include file for declaring
utility_rss_subscriber .h Include file for declaring
utility_savedata .h Include file for declaring
utility_screenshot .h Include file for declaring
utility_store_checkout .h Include file for declaring
utility_sysparam .h Include file for declaring

Static Libraries (/lib)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • ldscripts - The files in this folder are described in the table below: </div>


File Name Extension Description
audio_stub_02 .a Static Library archive of
audiorouting_stub .a Static Library archive of
crt0_elf .o  
crt0_prx .o  
crt0_prxlibc .o  
ctrl_stub .a Static Library archive of
deci2p_user_stub .a Static Library archive of
display_stub .a Static Library archive of
dmac_stub .a Static Library archive of
exportgcc_eh .o  
exportlibc .o  
exportlibm .o  
g729_stub .a Static Library archive of
g729_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
ge_user_stub .a Static Library archive of
hpremote_stub .a Static Library archive of
ifhandle_stub .a Static Library archive of
ifhandle_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
impose_stub .a Static Library archive of
kernel_bridge .o  
libaac_stub .a Static Library archive of
libaac_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libadler .a Static Library archive of
libadler_stub .a Static Library archive of
libadler_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libatrac3plus_stub .a Static Library archive of
libatrac3plus_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libavienc .a Static Library archive of
libbase16 .a Static Library archive of
libbase16_stub .a Static Library archive of
libbase16_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libbase32 .a Static Library archive of
libbase32_stub .a Static Library archive of
libbase32_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libbase64 .a Static Library archive of
libbase64_stub .a Static Library archive of
libbase64_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libc_stub .a Static Library archive of
libc_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libccc .a Static Library archive of
libccc_stub .a Static Library archive of
libccc_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libdeflt .a Static Library archive of
libdeflt_small .a Static Library archive of
libdeflt_stub .a Static Library archive of
libdeflt_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libface_stub .a Static Library archive of
libface_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libfmacvideo .a Static Library archive of
libfont_stub .a Static Library archive of
libfont_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libfpu .a Static Library archive of
libfpu_stub .a Static Library archive of
libfpu_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libgameupdate_stub .a Static Library archive of
libgameupdate_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libgcc_eh_stub .a Static Library archive of
libgcc_eh_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libgcovio .a Static Library archive of
libgim_picture .a Static Library archive of
libgiq_picture .a Static Library archive of
libgmo_model .a Static Library archive of
libgmo_model_vfpu .a Static Library archive of
libgmq_model .a Static Library archive of
libgprof .a Static Library archive of
libgso_scene .a Static Library archive of
libgu .a Static Library archive of
libgu_debug .a Static Library archive of
libgum .a Static Library archive of
libgum_vfpu .a Static Library archive of
libgxp_packet .a Static Library archive of
libheap .a Static Library archive of
libheap_stub .a Static Library archive of
libheap_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libhttp_stub .a Static Library archive of
libhttp_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libkernel .a Static Library archive of
libm_stub .a Static Library archive of
libm_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libmd5 .a Static Library archive of
libmd5_stub .a Static Library archive of
libmd5_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libmp3_stub .a Static Library archive of
libmp3_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libmp4_stub .a Static Library archive of
libmp4_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libmt19937 .a Static Library archive of
libmt19937_stub .a Static Library archive of
libmt19937_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libp3da .a Static Library archive of
libp3da_weak .a Static Library archive of
libparse_http_stub .a Static Library archive of
libparse_http_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libparse_uri_stub .a Static Library archive of
libparse_uri_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libpsmfplayer .a Static Library archive of
libpsmfplayer_stub .a Static Library archive of
libpsmfplayer_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libpuny .a Static Library archive of
libpuny_stub .a Static Library archive of
libpuny_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libqpcode .a Static Library archive of
libqpcode_stub .a Static Library archive of
libqpcode_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsas .a Static Library archive of
libsas_weak .a Static Library archive of
libscejpegenc .a Static Library archive of
libscejpegenc_vfpu .a Static Library archive of
libscepng .a Static Library archive of
libsceulaw .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt11213 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt11213_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt11213_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt1279 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt1279_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt1279_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt132049 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt132049_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt132049_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt19937 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt19937_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt19937_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt216091 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt216091_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt216091_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt2281 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt2281_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt2281_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt4253 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt4253_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt4253_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt44497 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt44497_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt44497_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt607 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt607_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt607_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt86243 .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt86243_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsfmt86243_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsha0 .a Static Library archive of
libsha0_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsha0_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsha1 .a Static Library archive of
libsha1_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsha1_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsha224 .a Static Library archive of
libsha224_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsha224_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsha256 .a Static Library archive of
libsha256_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsha256_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsha384 .a Static Library archive of
libsha384_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsha384_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsha512 .a Static Library archive of
libsha512_stub .a Static Library archive of
libsha512_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libsndp .a Static Library archive of
libssl_stub .a Static Library archive of
libssl_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
libvfpu .a Static Library archive of
libwave .a Static Library archive of
mediaman_stub .a Static Library archive of
modulemgr_user_stub_03 .a Static Library archive of
mpeg_stub .a Static Library archive of
mpeg_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
np_auth_stub .a Static Library archive of
np_auth_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
np_commerce2_stub .a Static Library archive of
np_commerce2_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
np_matching2_stub .a Static Library archive of
np_matching2_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
np_service_stub .a Static Library archive of
np_service_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
np_stub .a Static Library archive of
np_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
npdrm_stub .a Static Library archive of
npdrm_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
openpsid_stub .a Static Library archive of
power_stub .a Static Library archive of
psmf_stub .a Static Library archive of
psmf_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhoc_discover_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhoc_discover_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhoc_matching_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhoc_matching_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhoc_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhoc_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhocctl_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_adhocctl_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_ap_dialog_dummy_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_ap_dialog_dummy_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_apctl_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_apctl_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_inet_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_inet_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_resolver_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_resolver_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_upnp_stub .a Static Library archive of
pspnet_upnp_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
pspspecs_1 N/A  
pspspecs_2 N/A  
rtc_stub .a Static Library archive of
scejpeg_stub .a Static Library archive of
scejpeg_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
usb_stub .a Static Library archive of
usbacc_stub .a Static Library archive of
usbacc_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
usbcam_stub .a Static Library archive of
usbcam_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
usbgps_stub .a Static Library archive of
usbgps_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
usbmic_stub .a Static Library archive of
usbmic_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
usbser_stub .a Static Library archive of
utility_stub .a Static Library archive of
vaudio_stub .a Static Library archive of
vaudio_stub_weak .a Static Library archive of
wlan_stub .a Static Library archive of

Linker (ld) Scripts (/lib/ldscripts)


This folder contains…

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
elf32elmip .x, .xbn, .xc, .xn  
prx .xr  

Samples (/sample)


This folder contains…

This folder also contains the following sub-directories:

  • net -
  • mpeg -
  • avi -
  • fileio -
  • face -
  • hash -
  • deflt -
  • module -
  • fmac -
  • ccc -
  • png -
  • guideline -
  • usb -
  • profiling -
  • tips -
  • np -
  • kernelutils -
  • font -
  • rand -
  • jpeg -
  • graphics -
  • sound -
  • dvdumd -
  • tool -
  • player -
  • utility - The files in this folder are described in the table below: </div>


File Name Extension Description
Makefile N/A Used to build the source code in the folder (run make)
PSP Samples .sln  
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